All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Exception Summary
Class |
Description |
Abduction |
Performs abduction which is one of the steps in 'counterfactual analysis'.
AbductionOptions |
AdjustmentNotFoundException |
Raised by a causal inference algorithm when an adjustment set cannot be found.
AdjustmentSet |
The set of nodes that an estimation procedure must adjust for (condition on) to avoid any bias in the results.
AdjustmentSetNode |
Represents a node in an adjustment set.
ArcReversal |
Contains methods to reverse the direction of a Link , known as arc reversal.
AssignedDefinition |
Identifies the node that is assigned to a clique in a Junction Tree.
Association |
Calculates the strength between pairs of variables or sets of variables.
AssociationOptions |
Options that affect the link strength algorithm.
AssociationOutput |
Contains the results of an Association analysis.
AssociationPair |
Defines two sets of variables to be analyzed by the Association algorithm.
AssociationPairOutput |
Contains the results of the association calculations between two sets of variables.
AutoInsight |
Uses comparison queries to automatically derive insight about a target variable from a trained network.
AutoInsightJSDivergence |
Determines the type of Jensen Shannon divergence calculations, if any, performed during an auto insight analysis.
AutoInsightKLDivergence |
Determines the type of KL divergence calculations, if any, performed during an auto insight analysis.
AutoInsightOptions |
Options that affect auto-insight calculations.
AutoInsightOutput |
AutoInsightSamplingOptions |
Options that affect any sampling required during auto-insight calculations.
AutoInsightStateOutput |
Contains the results obtained from AutoInsight for each test variable.
AutoInsightStateOutputCollection |
AutoInsightVariableOutput |
Represents the output obtained from AutoInsight for a test variable.
AutoInsightVariableOutputCollection |
BackdoorCriterion |
Uses the 'Backdoor Criterion' to identify 'adjustment sets', that if found can be used to estimate the causal effect using the BackdoorInference .
BackdoorCriterionOptions |
BackdoorCriterionOutput |
The output from the Backdoor criterion, including any 'adjustment sets' identified.
BackdoorGraph |
Methods for constructing the Backdoor graph or proper Backdoor graph from a Bayesian network.
BackdoorGraphOptions |
Options for 'Backdoor graph' construction.
BackdoorInference |
Estimates the causal effect, using the 'Backdoor Adjustment' formula to avoid confounding bias.
BackdoorInferenceFactory |
Uses the factory design pattern to create inference related objects for the Backdoor adjustment algorithm.
BackdoorMethod |
The sets for the Backdoor criterion to find.
BackdoorQueryOptions |
BackdoorQueryOutput |
Returns any information, in addition to the distributions , that is requested from a query .
BackdoorValidationOptions |
Options for Backdoor Criterion validation, which can be used to test whether adjustment sets are valid.
Bounds |
Stores the position and size of an element.
Cancellation |
Interface for cancelling long running operations.
CausalEffectKind |
The type of causal effect to identify or estimate.
CausalInferenceBase |
Base class for Causal inference engines used by internal algorithms.
CausalNode |
Represents a reference to any node in a Causal model, for example a treatment (X), an outcome (Y), an unobserved node (U).
CausalObservability |
Gets or sets the observability of a node which is causal.
CausalQueryOptionsBase |
Base class for causal query options.
CausalQueryOutput |
Additional outputs specific to causal queries.
CausalQueryOutputBase |
Base class for causal algorithm output.
ChowLiuLinkOutput |
Contains information about a new link learnt using the com.bayesserver.learning.structure.chowliu.ChowLiuStructuralLearning algorithm.
ChowLiuStructuralLearning |
A structural learning algorithm for Bayesian networks based on the Chow-Liu algorithm.
ChowLiuStructuralLearningOptions |
Options for structural learning with the com.bayesserver.learning.structure.chowliu.ChowLiuStructuralLearning class.
ChowLiuStructuralLearningOutput |
Contains information returned from the com.bayesserver.learning.structure.chowliu.ChowLiuStructuralLearning algorithm.
ChowLiuStructuralLearningProgressInfo |
Progress information returned from the Chow-Liu structural learning algorithm.
CLGaussian |
Represents a Conditional Linear Gaussian probability distribution.
CliqueDefinition |
The definition of a clique in a junction tree, without the instantiation of the distribution.
ClusterCount |
Methods to determine the number of clusters (discrete states of a latent variable).
ClusterCountActions |
Actions which the caller must implement to use ClusterCount.
ClusterCountOptions |
ClusterCountOutput |
Clustering |
Discretizes continuous data in bins, using a probabilistic clustering algorithm.
ClusteringLinkOutput |
Contains information about a new link learnt using the com.bayesserver.learning.structure.clustering.ClusteringStructuralLearning algorithm.
ClusteringStructuralLearning |
A structural learning algorithm for a cluster model (a.k.a mixture model).
ClusteringStructuralLearningOptions |
Options for structural learning with the com.bayesserver.learning.structure.clustering.ClusteringStructuralLearning class.
ClusteringStructuralLearningOutput |
Contains information returned from the com.bayesserver.learning.structure.clustering.ClusteringStructuralLearning algorithm.
ClusteringStructuralLearningProgressInfo |
Progress information returned from the Clustering structural learning algorithm.
ClusterScore |
Contains the results of a cluster configuration returned from ClusterCount .
CollectionAction |
Specifies how the collection is changed.
ColumnValueType |
Specifies the type of data in a column.
CombinationAction |
CombinationOptions |
Determines which combinations are generated by Combinations .
Combinations |
Generates the available state combinations for a set of variables or counts.
ConfusionMatrix |
Calculates a confusion matrix for a network which is used to predict discrete values (classification).
ConfusionMatrixCell |
ConstraintNotSatisfiedException |
Exception raised when parameter tuning attempts to solve for a constraint that cannot be satisfied by the change(s) in parameters.
ConstraintSatisfiedException |
Exception raised when parameter tuning attempts to solve for a constraint that is already true.
ConvergenceException |
Exception raised when an iterative inference algorithm fails to converge to within a given tolerance.
ConvergenceMethod |
The method used to determine whether learning has converged.
Correlation |
Methods to convert covariance matrices to correlation matrices.
CrossValidation |
Allows test metrics/scores to be calculated using cross validation.
CrossValidationActions |
Actions which the caller must implement to use Cross Validation.
CrossValidationCombineMethod |
Ways of combining cross validation test results to form an overall cross validation score.
CrossValidationNetwork |
The result of learning on a single cross validation training partitioning.
CrossValidationOutput |
Details of a Cross-Validation partition.
CrossValidationScore |
Interface for cross validation scores.
CrossValidationTestResult |
Interface for cross validation test results.
CustomProperty |
Stores a custom property.
CustomPropertyCollection |
Stores custom properties for a variety of objects.
Dag |
Includes methods for testing whether a network is a Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG).
DatabaseDataReaderCommand |
DataColumn |
Class that represents an memory column of data.
DataColumnCollection |
Represents a collection of columns in a DataTable, a simple in-memory data store.
DataIOException |
Raised when an error occurs reading data from or writing data to a database, a file or other source.
DataPartition<T> |
Interface used by distributed processes that read data.
DataPartitioning |
Determines how data is partitioned.
DataPartitionMethod |
DataProgress |
Reports progress on the number of cases read.
DataProgressEventArgs |
Used to provide progress on how many cases have been read.
DataReader |
Interface for reading data row by row.
DataReaderCommand |
Interface used by EvidenceReader in order to read data multiple times.
DataReaderCommandFiltered |
Wraps an existing data reader command while filtering records.
DataReaderFilter |
Interface to determine whether records should be filtered in a data reader.
DataReaderFiltered |
Wraps an existing data reader while filtering records.
DataRecord |
Interface for reading the values from a row of data.
DataRow |
Represents a row of data in a DataTable, a simple in-memory data store.
DataRowCollection |
A collection of rows in a DataTable, a simple in-memory data store.
DataSampler |
Generates samples from a Bayesian network or Dynamic Bayesian network.
DataSamplingOptions |
Options for data sampling.
DataTable |
A simple in memory data structure which can be used as an alternative to a data store (such as a database).
DataTableDataReaderCommand |
A DataReaderCommand backed by a DataTable.
DataTableEvidenceReaderCommandFactory |
DataTableReader |
Allows a DataTable to be read as a DataReader.
DecisionAlgorithm |
The type of algorithm to use when a network has decision nodes.
DecisionPostProcessingMethod |
The type of post processing to be applied to the distributions of decision nodes at the end of parameter learning.
DecomposeOptions |
DecomposeOutput |
Decomposer |
Contains methods to decompose nodes with multiple variables into their single variable equivalents.
DefaultCancellation |
Class for canceling long running operations.
DefaultCrossValidationNetwork |
Default basic implementation of ICrossValidationNetwork .
DefaultCrossValidationScore |
A default simple implementation of ICrossValidationScore .
DefaultCrossValidationTestResult |
DefaultDataReader |
Reads and validates non temporal and/or temporal data.
DefaultEvidence |
Represents the evidence, or case data (e.g.
DefaultEvidenceReader |
Provides a default implementation of EvidenceReader , used in Bayes Server for tasks such as parameter learning.
DefaultEvidenceReaderCommand |
DefaultQueryDistributionCollection |
DefaultQueryFunctionCollection |
DefaultReadOptions |
DesignEvidenceKind |
The type of evidence the optimizer should use.
DesignState |
An input to the optimization algorithm.
DesignVariable |
Specifies on or more inputs to the optimization algorithm.
DiscretePriorMethod |
The type of discrete prior to use for discrete distributions during parameter learning.
DiscretizationAlgoOptions |
Options for a discretization algorithm.
DiscretizationColumn |
Identifies a column of data and how it is to be discretized.
DiscretizationInfo |
Discretization information for column of data, returned from a discretization algorithm.
DiscretizationMethod |
The method (algorithm) to use for discretization of continuous data.
DiscretizationOptions |
Options that determine whether and how continuous data should be discretized.
Discretize |
Interface which a discretization algorithm must implement.
DiscretizeProgress |
Interface to provide progress information during discretization.
DiscretizeProgressInfo |
Interface to provide progress information during discretization.
DisjunctiveCauseCriterion |
Validates inputs for the Disjunctive cause adjustment.
DisjunctiveCauseCriterionOptions |
Options for Disjunctive-cause Criterion validation.
DisjunctiveCauseCriterionOutput |
The output from the Disjunctive-cause criterion, which is simply an adjustment set which includes all causes of treatments (X) or causes of outcomes (Y) or causes of both.
DisjunctiveCauseInference |
Estimates the causal effect, using the 'Disjunctive Cause Criterion' adjustment formula to avoid confounding bias.
DisjunctiveCauseInferenceFactory |
Uses the factory design pattern to create inference related objects for the Disjunctive cause algorithm.
DisjunctiveCauseQueryOptions |
DisjunctiveCauseQueryOutput |
Returns any information, in addition to the distributions , that is requested from a query .
DisjunctiveCauseSet |
Identifies sets of nodes used by the Disjunctive Cause Criterion algorithm.
DisjunctiveCauseSetNode |
Represents a node in a set used by the Disjunctive Cause Criterion algorithm.
DisjunctiveCauseValidationOptions |
Options for Disjunctive-cause criterion validation.
DistributedMapperContext |
Contains information used during distributed parameter learning.
Distributer<T> |
DistributerContext |
Contains contextual information about the process/iteration being distributed.
Distribution |
Interface specifying the required methods and properties for a probability distribution.
DistributionExpression |
Base interface for expressions that generate distributions.
DistributionMonitoring |
Indicates which distribution to monitor during learning.
DistributionSpecification |
Identifies a node's distribution to learn, and options for learning.
DSeparation |
Contains methods to calculate D-Separation.
DSeparationCategory |
The result of a D-Separation test.
DSeparationOptions |
Options for calculating D-Separation.
DSeparationOutput |
Contains the results of a test for D-Separation.
DSeparationTestResult |
The result of a D-Separation check for a test node.
DSeparationTestResultCollection |
Collection of D-Separation test results.
EffectsAnalysis |
Calculates the causal effect on a target, varying for different treatment values.
EffectsAnalysisOptions |
Options for an effects analysis.
EffectsAnalysisOutput |
The results of an effects analysis.
EffectsAnalysisOutputItem |
The result of an effects analysis for a particular treatment value.
EliminationDefinition |
Identifies a node that is eliminated during exact inference.
EliminationDefinitionCollection |
A list of elminated nodes during inference.
EmpiricalDensity |
Represents an empirical density function, which can represent arbitrary univariate distributions.
EmptyStringAction |
Determines the action to take when an empty string is encountered.
Entropy |
Calculates entropy, joint entropy or conditional entropy, which can be used to determine the uncertainty in the states of a discrete distribution.
EqualFrequencies |
Discretizes continuous data in bins, such that each bin contain a similar number of data points.
EqualIntervals |
Discretizes continuous data in bins, such that the bins have equal size.
Evidence |
Represents the evidence, or case data (e.g.
EvidencePartition<T> |
Interface used by distributed processes that read evidence.
EvidenceReader |
A data set iterator, that can be read multiple times.
EvidenceReaderCommand |
EvidenceReaderCommandFactory |
Creates evidence reader commands, for repeated iterating of a data set/partition of a data set.
EvidenceReaderEventArgs |
Contains a reference to a reader created by a reader command.
EvidenceType |
The type of evidence for a variable.
EvidenceTypes |
Provides information about the type of evidence on a variable as well as whether it is an intervention (do operator) or not.
ExcludedVariables |
Set of variables which should be excluded from an operation, such as missing data generation.
ExecuteEvidenceReader |
Used to receive notification of a new Evidence reader being created from an evidence reader command.
Expression |
Base interface for expressions.
ExpressionDistribution |
Determines what happens when an expression is set on a node distribution.
ExpressionException |
Exception raised during lexing, parsing or evaluation of an expression.
ExpressionReturnType |
The type of value returned from an expression.
FeatureSelection |
Contains methods to determine which variables are likely to be good features (predictors) or not.
FeatureSelectionOptions |
Options governing the tests carried out to determine whether variables are likely to be features (predictors) of a target variable.
FeatureSelectionOutput |
FeatureSelectionTest |
Contains information about a test carried out between a variable and a target to determine whether the variable is likely to be a feature or not.
FrontDoorCriterion |
Uses the 'Front-door Criterion' to identify any sets of valid front-door nodes, that if found can be used to estimate the causal effect using the FrontDoorInference .
FrontDoorCriterionOptions |
FrontDoorCriterionOutput |
The output from the Front-door criterion, including any sets of 'front-door nodes' identified.
FrontDoorInference |
Estimates the causal effect, using the 'Front-door Adjustment' formula to avoid confounding bias.
FrontDoorInferenceFactory |
Uses the factory design pattern to create inference related objects for the Front-door adjustment algorithm.
FrontDoorQueryOptions |
FrontDoorQueryOutput |
Returns any information, in addition to the distributions , that is requested from a query .
FrontDoorSet |
Front-door nodes used by the front-door adjustment.
FrontDoorSetNode |
Represents a front-door node used by the front-door adjustment, and can be identified by the front-door criterion.
FrontDoorValidationOptions |
Options for Front-door Criterion validation, which can be used to test whether the front-door nodes are valid and the pair of associated 'adjustment sets' are also valid..
FunctionException |
Exception raised during the evaluation of a function expression.
FunctionVariableExpression |
An expression that can be used in a function node/variable.
GeneticOptimizer |
A genetic algorithm optimizer.
GeneticOptimizerOptions |
Options governing the behaviour of the com.bayesserver.optimization.genetic.GeneticOptimizer algorithm.
GeneticOptimizerOutput |
Contains the results from the genetic optimization algorithm.
GeneticOptimizerProgressInfo |
Contains progress information sent from the genetic optimization algorithm.
GeneticOptionsBase |
Base class for common Genetic algorithm options.
GeneticSimplification |
An algorithm that attempts to simply the evidence found by an optimizer.
GeneticSimplificationOptions |
Options for the genetic simplifcation algorithm.
GeneticSimplificationOutput |
Contains the results from the genetic simplifcation algorithm.
GeneticTerminationOptions |
Termination options for the genetic optimization algorithm.
HeadTail |
Indicates whether a variable is marked as head or tail in a distribution.
HierarchicalLinkOutput |
Contains information about a new link learnt using the com.bayesserver.learning.structure.hierarchical.HierarchicalStructuralLearning algorithm.
HierarchicalStructuralLearning |
A structural learning algorithm for Bayesian networks that groups subsets of nodes into a hierarchy.
HierarchicalStructuralLearningOptions |
Options for structural learning with the com.bayesserver.learning.structure.hierarchical.HierarchicalStructuralLearning class.
HierarchicalStructuralLearningOutput |
Contains information returned from the com.bayesserver.learning.structure.hierarchical.HierarchicalStructuralLearning algorithm.
HierarchicalStructuralLearningProgressInfo |
Progress information returned from the Hierarchical structural learning algorithm.
HistogramDensity |
Represents an empirical density function built from a histogram, which can represent arbitrary univariate distributions.
HistogramDensityItem |
Information about each interval in the histogram density.
HistogramDensityOptions |
Options for learning a histogram based empirical density.
Identification |
Determines how to quantify a cause-effect relationship (for a particular criterion), but does not perform the actual estimation.
IdentificationOptions |
IdentificationOutput |
Impact |
Analyzes the impact of evidence.
ImpactAction |
ImpactHypothesisOutput |
Output information about the hypothesis variable/state from an Impact analysis.
ImpactOptions |
Options affecting how Impact analysis calculations are performed.
ImpactOutput |
Contains the results of an Impact analysis.
ImpactOutputItem |
The output from an impact analysis, for a particular subset of evidence.
ImpactSubsetMethod |
Determines how subsets are determined during impact analysis.
InconsistentEvidenceException |
Exception raised when either inconsistent evidence is detected, or underflow has occurred.
InconsistentEvidenceMode |
IndependenceOptions |
Options governing independence and conditional independence tests.
IndirectGraph |
Methods for constructing the 'Indirect graph' from a Bayesian network.
IndirectGraphOptions |
Options for 'Indirect graph' construction.
Inference |
The interface for a Bayesian network inference algorithm, which is used to perform queries such as calculating posterior probabilities and log-likelihood values for a case.
InferenceFactory |
Uses the factory design pattern to create inference related objects for inference algorithms.
InitializationMethod |
Determines the algorithm used to initialize distributions during parameter learning.
InitializationOptions |
Options governing the initialization of distributions at the start of parameter learning.
InSampleAnomalyDetection |
Detects in-sample anomalies in a data set.
InSampleAnomalyDetectionActions |
Actions which the caller must implement to use InSampleAnomalyDetection.
InSampleAnomalyDetectionOptions |
InSampleAnomalyDetectionOutput |
Interval<T extends Comparable> |
An interval, defined by a minimum and maximum with respective open or closed endpoints.
IntervalEndPoint |
The type of end point for an interval.
IntervalStatistics |
Calculates statistics such as mean and variance for discretized variables, i.e.
InterventionType |
Determines whether evidence is an intervention (do operator) or not.
InvalidNetworkException |
Raised when a network has not been correctly specified.
JensenShannon |
Methods for computing the Jensen Shannon divergence, which measures the similarity between probability distributions.
JunctionTreeNodeDefinition |
A junction tree node, which can be either a clique or a sepset.
JunctionTreesDefinition |
A jumction tree or junction trees.
KullbackLeibler |
Calculate the Kullback–Leibler divergence between 2 distributions with the same variables, D(P||Q).
License |
Provides license validation.
LiftChart |
Represents a lift chart, used to measure predictive performance.
LiftChartPoint |
Represents an XY coordinate in a lift chart.
LikelihoodSamplingInference |
An approximate probabilistic inference algorithm for Bayesian networks and Dynamic Bayesian networks, based on Likelihood Sampling.
LikelihoodSamplingInferenceFactory |
Uses the factory design pattern to create inference related objects for the Likelihood Sampling algorithm.
LikelihoodSamplingQueryLifecycleBegin |
Query lifecycle begin implementation for the Likelihood Sampling algorithm.
LikelihoodSamplingQueryLifecycleEnd |
Query end lifecycle implementation for the Likelihood Sampling algorithm.
LikelihoodSamplingQueryOptions |
LikelihoodSamplingQueryOutput |
Returns any information, in addition to the distributions , that is requested from a query .
Link |
Represents a directed link in a Bayesian network.
LinkConstraint |
Defines a constraint on a link between two nodes during structural learning.
LinkConstraintCollection |
LinkConstraintFailureMode |
Determines the action taken if a link constraint cannot be honoured.
LinkConstraintMethod |
Determines how a link is constrained.
LinkOutput |
Contains information about a link returned from a structural learning algorithm.
LogarithmBase |
Determines the base of the logarithm to use during calculations such as mutual information.
LogLikelihoodAnalysis |
Analyzes the log-likelihood for different evidence subsets.
LogLikelihoodAnalysisAction |
LogLikelihoodAnalysisBaselineOutput |
Output information about the log-likelihood from a log-likelihood analysis.
LogLikelihoodAnalysisOptions |
Options affecting how Log-Likelihood analysis calculations are performed.
LogLikelihoodAnalysisOutput |
Contains the results of a Log-Likelihood analysis.
LogLikelihoodAnalysisOutputItem |
The output from a Log-Likelihood analysis, for a particular subset of evidence.
LogLikelihoodAnalysisSubsetMethod |
Determines how subsets are determined during a Log-Likelihood analysis.
LoopyBeliefInference |
An approximate but deterministic probabilistic inference algorithm for Bayesian networks and Dynamic Bayesian networks based on Loopy Belief Propagation.
LoopyBeliefInferenceFactory |
Uses the factory design pattern to create inference related objects for the Loopy Belief algorithm.
LoopyBeliefQueryLifecycleBegin |
Query lifecycle begin implementation for the Loopy Belief algorithm.
LoopyBeliefQueryLifecycleEnd |
Query end lifecycle implementation for the Loopy Belief algorithm.
LoopyBeliefQueryOptions |
LoopyBeliefQueryOutput |
Returns any information, in addition to the distributions , that is requested from a query .
MultipleIterator |
Provides methods to iterate over multiple distributions.
MultipleIterator.Combination |
MutualInformation |
Calculates mutual information or conditional mutual information, which measures the dependence between two variables.
NameValuesReader |
Interface for reading name/value pairs.
NameValuesWriter |
Interface for writing name/value pairs.
NestedDataReader |
NestedReadInfo |
Provides information about a nested table record.
Network |
Represents a Bayesian Network, or a Dynamic Bayesian Network.
NetworkLinkCollection |
Represents the collection of directed links maintained by the Network class.
NetworkMonitor |
For internal use.
NetworkNodeCollection |
NetworkNodeGroupCollection |
A collection of groups.
NetworkVariableCollection |
Represents a read-only collection of variables that belong to a network.
Node |
Represents a node with one or more variables in a Bayesian network.
NodeDistributionExpressions |
Represents any distribution expressions assigned to a Node .
NodeDistributionExpressions.DistributionExpressionOrder |
Identifies a distribution expression and its temporal order.
NodeDistributionKey |
Identifies a distribution assigned or to be assigned to a node.
NodeDistributionKind |
The kind of distribution, such as a standard Probability or Experience table.
NodeDistributionOptions |
Options that apply to all distributions of a particular node.
NodeDistributions |
Represents the distributions assigned to a Node .
NodeDistributions.DistributionOrder |
Identifies a distribution and its temporal order.
NodeGroup |
Allows nodes to be assigned to one or more groups.
NodeGroupCollection |
Represents the collection of groups a node belongs to.
NodeLinkCollection |
Represents a read-only collection of links.
NodeSet |
A set of nodes.
NodeSetItem |
Represents a node in a set.
NodeVariableCollection |
Represents the collection of variables belonging to a
NoisyOrder |
Determines the order in which the states of a parent of a noisy node increasingly affect the noisy states.
NoisyType |
Identifies the noisy node type, if any.
NotInDomainException |
Raised when the arguments to a mathematic function are not in the domain of the function (undefined).
NotSpdException |
Raised when a matrix is not positive definite.
Objective |
Defines the target variable or state that you wish to maximize or minimize.
ObjectiveKind |
The type of optimization to carry out, such as Minimization or Maximization.
OnlineLearning |
Adapts the parameters of a Bayesian network, using Bayesian statistics.
OnlineLearningOptions |
Options for online learning (adaptation using Bayesian statistics).
OptimizationWarning |
A warning generated by an optimization algorithm
Optimizer |
Interface required by optimization algorithms.
OptimizerOptions |
Optimizer options that are common across all algorithms.
OptimizerOutput |
Contains output common to optimization algorithms.
OptimizerProgress |
Interface to provide progress information during optimization.
OptimizerProgressInfo |
Interface to provide progress information during optimization.
ParameterCounter |
Contains methods to determine the number of parameters in a Bayesian network or distribution.
ParameterCountOptions |
ParameterLearning |
Learns the parameters of Bayesian networks and Dynamic Bayesian networks, from data.
ParameterLearningOptions |
Options governing parameter learning.
ParameterLearningOutput |
ParameterLearningProgress |
Interface to provide progress information during parameter learning.
ParameterLearningProgressInfo |
ParameterReference |
References a parameter in a node distribution.
ParameterTuning |
Calculates how a parameter can be updated so that the resulting value of a hypothesis is within a given range.
ParameterTuningOneWay |
Represents the result of one way parameter tuning.
PartitionDataReaderFilter |
A data reader filter based on an integer column, which can contain ids or a zero based partition identifier.
PCLinkOutput |
Contains information about a new link learnt using the com.bayesserver.learning.structure.pc.PCStructuralLearning algorithm.
PCStructuralLearning |
A structural learning algorithm for Bayesian networks based on the PC algorithm.
PCStructuralLearningOptions |
Options for structural learning with the com.bayesserver.learning.structure.pc.PCStructuralLearning class.
PCStructuralLearningOutput |
Contains information returned from the com.bayesserver.learning.structure.pc.PCStructuralLearning algorithm.
PCStructuralLearningProgressInfo |
Progress information returned from the PC structural learning algorithm.
Priors |
Contains parameters used to avoid boundary conditions during learning.
PropagationMethod |
The propagation method used during inference.
QueryComparison |
Determines whether and how queried values (e.g.
QueryDistance |
Type of distance to calculate for a query.
QueryDistribution |
QueryDistributionCollection |
QueryEvidenceMode |
Determines how predictions on variables with evidence are performed.
QueryExpression |
Base interface for expressions that are evaluated at query time.
QueryFunction |
QueryFunctionCollection |
Collection of functions to be evaluated at query time, after any query distributions have been calculated.
QueryFunctionOutput |
A class whose value holds the result of a function evaluation, populated during a query.
QueryLifecycle |
Allows callers to hook into the query lifecycle of an inference engine.
QueryLifecycleBegin |
QueryLifecycleBeginBase |
Query begin lifecycle base class implementation for causal algorithms.
QueryLifecycleEnd |
QueryLifecycleEndBase |
Query end lifecycle base class implementation for causal algorithms.
QueryOptions |
QueryOutput |
Returns any information, in addition to the distributions , that is requested from a query .
QuerySamplingOptions |
Interface for approximate sampling inference algorithms, which can be implemented in addition to QueryOptions .
R2CrossValidationTestResult |
Represents the R Squared statistic (Coefficient of determination) on a partition of data.
RandomDefault |
Default random number generator, that is consistent across the different APIs.
RandomNumberGenerator |
Interface for random number generation.
ReaderOptions |
Options that apply to the reading of non temporal data.
ReadInfo |
Provides information about a non temporal record.
ReadOptions |
RegressionStatistics |
Calculates statistics for a network which is used to predict continuous values (regression).
RelevanceTreeInference |
An exact probabilistic inference algorithm for Bayesian networks and Dynamic Bayesian networks, that can compute multiple distributions more efficiently than the VariableEliminationInference algorithm.
RelevanceTreeInferenceFactory |
Uses the factory design pattern to create inference related objects for the Relevance Tree algorithm.
RelevanceTreeQueryLifecycleBegin |
Query lifecycle begin implementation for the Relevance Tree algorithm.
RelevanceTreeQueryLifecycleEnd |
Query end lifecycle implementation for the Relevance Tree algorithm.
RelevanceTreeQueryOptions |
RelevanceTreeQueryOutput |
Returns any information, in addition to the distributions , that is requested from a query .
ScoreMethod |
The scoring mechanism used to evaluate different Bayesian network structures during a search.
SearchLinkOutput |
Contains information about a new link learnt using the algorithm.
SearchStructuralLearning |
A structural learning algorithm for Bayesian networks based on Search and Score.
SearchStructuralLearningOptions |
Options for structural learning with the class.
SearchStructuralLearningOutput |
Contains information returned from the algorithm.
SearchStructuralLearningProgressInfo |
Progress information returned from the Search based structural learning algorithm.
SensitivityFunctionOneWay |
Represents the result on a one-way sensitivity to parameters analysis.
SensitivityFunctionTwoWay |
Represents the result on a two-way sensitivity to parameters analysis.
SensitivityToParameters |
Calculates the affect of one or more parameters on the value of a hypothesis.
SepsetDefinition |
The definition of a sepset in a junction tree, without the instantiation of the distribution.
SoftEvidence |
Helper methods for manipulating soft/virtual evidence.
SortOrder |
The sort order of states for new discrete variables.
State |
Represents a state of a variable.
StateCollection |
Represents a collection of states belonging to a Variable .
StateContext |
Identifies a State and contextual information such as the time (zero based).
StateNotFoundAction |
Determines the action to take when a state name or value cannot be matched to a variable state.
StateValueType |
The type of value represented by a State .
Stop |
Interface to allow early completion of a long running task.
StructuralLearning |
Defines methods for learning the structure (links) of a Bayesian network.
StructuralLearningOptions |
Options governing a structural learning algorithm.
StructuralLearningOutput |
Contains information returned from a structural learning algorithm.
StructuralLearningProgress |
Interface to provide progress information during structural learning.
StructuralLearningProgressInfo |
Interface to provide progress information during structural learning.
Table |
Used to represent probability distributions, conditional probability distributions, joint probability distributions and more general potentials, over a number of discrete variables.
Table.MarginalizeLowMemoryOptions |
Table.MaxValue |
Table.NonZeroValues |
Used to report non zero table values.
TableAccessor |
Allows random access to the values in a Table , using a preferred variable ordering, as opposed to the default sorted order specified in Table.getSortedVariables() .
TableExpression |
Represents an expression that is used to generate Table distributions.
TableExpressionNormalization |
The type of normalization to apply to a table (if any) once an expression has generated the values.
TableIterator |
Allows sequential access to the values in a Table , using a preferred variable ordering, as opposed to the default sorted order specified in Table.getSortedVariables() .
TANLinkOutput |
Contains information about a new link learnt using the com.bayesserver.learning.structure.tan.TANStructuralLearning algorithm.
TANStructuralLearning |
A structural learning algorithm for Bayesian networks based on the Tree augmented naive Bayes (TAN) algorithm.
TANStructuralLearningOptions |
Options for structural learning with the com.bayesserver.learning.structure.tan.TANStructuralLearning class.
TANStructuralLearningOutput |
Contains information returned from the com.bayesserver.learning.structure.tan.TANStructuralLearning algorithm.
TANStructuralLearningProgressInfo |
Progress information returned from the TAN structural learning algorithm.
TemporalReaderOptions |
Options that apply to the reading of temporal data.
TemporalReadInfo |
Provides information about a temporal record.
TemporalType |
The node type for networks that include temporal/sequential support.
TimeSeriesMode |
Determines how time series distributions are learned.
TimeValueType |
The type of values stored in a time column.
TopologicalSort |
Contains methods to sort nodes in a Bayesian network in topological order.
TopologicalSortNodeInfo |
Information about the topological order of a node.
TreeQuery |
Contains methods to determine properties of a Bayesian network or Dynamic Bayesian network when converted to a tree for inference.
TreeQueryOptions |
Options which affect the calculation performed by a TreeQuery .
TreeQueryOutput |
Unroller |
Unrolls a Dynamic Bayesian network into the equivalent Bayesian network.
UnrollOptions |
Options governing the unrolling of a Dynamic Bayesian network.
UnrollOutput |
UnrollOutput.NodeTime |
Identifies a node and related time.
UnrollOutput.VariableTime |
Identifies a variable and related time.
Validation |
Methods to test whether adjustment inputs are valid.
ValidationException |
Raised by an identification algorithm when validation fails.
ValidationOptions |
ValidationOptions |
Represents options that govern the validation of a network.
ValueOfInformation |
Contains methods to determine what new evidence is most likely to reduce the uncertainty of a variable.
ValueOfInformationKind |
The type of value of information statistic calculated.
ValueOfInformationOptions |
ValueOfInformationOutput |
ValueOfInformationTestOutput |
Variable |
Represents a discrete or continuous random variable.
VariableContext |
Represents a variable and associated information such as time, and whether it is marked as head or tail.
VariableContextCollection |
Represents a read-only collection of variables.
VariableDefinition |
Defines how a variable should be created.
VariableEliminationInference |
An exact inference algorithm for Bayesian networks and Dynamic Bayesian networks, loosely based on the Variable Elimination algorithm.
VariableEliminationInferenceFactory |
Uses the factory design pattern to create inference related objects for the Variable elimination algorithm.
VariableEliminationQueryLifecycleBegin |
Query lifecycle begin implementation for the Variable Elimination algorithm.
VariableEliminationQueryLifecycleEnd |
Query end lifecycle implementation for the Variable Elimination algorithm.
VariableEliminationQueryOptions |
VariableEliminationQueryOutput |
Returns any information, in addition to the distributions , that is requested from a query .
VariableGenerator |
Generates variables from a data source.
VariableGeneratorOptions |
Options that affect the generation of variables from data.
VariableGeneratorProgress |
Interface to provide progress information during data discovery (VariableGenerator).
VariableGeneratorProgressInfo |
Interface to provide progress information during data discovery (VariableGenerator).
VariableInfo |
Contains the generated Variable and any supplementary information.
VariableInfoCount |
Reports weighted and unweighted record counts.
VariableInfoCounts |
Reports counts for each variable.
VariableInfoValue |
Reports general weighted and unweighted information/statistics about a variable.
VariableKind |
The kind of variable, such as Probability, Decision or Utility.
VariableMap |
Maps between a custom variable order and the default sorted variable order.
VariableReference |
Identifies a Variable and data binding information.
VariableValueType |
The type of data represented by a Variable .
WeightedValue |
A value (which can be null) and its associated weight (support).
WindowDataReader |
A data reader that reads windows of data over another data reader.
WindowDataReaderCommand |
A data reader command that reads windows of data over another data reader.
WindowDataReaderOptions |
Options for creating windowed data readers.
WindowOptions |
Options for creating windows over time series data.
WriteStreamAction |
Provides an output stream that can be written to.