Class AbductionOptions

    • Constructor Detail

      • AbductionOptions

        public AbductionOptions()
    • Method Detail

      • getInferenceFactory

        public InferenceFactory getInferenceFactory()
        Used to create an inference engine, to determine the values for the characterstic variables.
      • setInferenceFactory

        public void setInferenceFactory​(InferenceFactory value)
        Used to create an inference engine, to determine the values for the characterstic variables.
      • getRemoveAbductionEvidence

        public boolean getRemoveAbductionEvidence()
        Gets a value which when true removes the abduction evidence, after updating the characteristic variables.
      • setRemoveAbductionEvidence

        public void setRemoveAbductionEvidence​(boolean value)
        Sets a value which when true removes the abduction evidence, after updating the characteristic variables.