Class GeneticOptionsBase

    • Method Detail

      • getCrossoverProbability

        public double getCrossoverProbability()
        The probability of parents being crossed. Must be in the range [0,1].
      • setCrossoverProbability

        public void setCrossoverProbability​(double value)
        The probability of parents being crossed. Must be in the range [0,1].
      • getMutationProbability

        public double getMutationProbability()
        The probability of genes being mutated. Must be in the range [0,1].
      • setMutationProbability

        public void setMutationProbability​(double value)
        The probability of genes being mutated. Must be in the range [0,1].
      • raisePropertyChanged

        protected void raisePropertyChanged​(String name)
      • getQueryDistributions

        public List<QueryDistribution> getQueryDistributions()
        Determines which additional queries, if any, should be calculated by the inference engine when evaluating the fitness of a solution. For example, additional queries maybe referenced by function nodes.
        Specified by:
        getQueryDistributions in interface OptimizerOptions
      • getMaximumConcurrency

        public Integer getMaximumConcurrency()
        Gets the maximum number of inference engines used during optimization. During optimization, multiple inference engines may be used in parallel. However each inference engine has its own memory requirements for inference, and so this parameter allows the number to be limited, to avoid excessive memory consumption. The amount of memory used per inference engine, depends on the Network and also the evidence.
        Specified by:
        getMaximumConcurrency in interface OptimizerOptions
      • setMaximumConcurrency

        public void setMaximumConcurrency​(Integer value)
      • setCausalEffectKind

        public void setCausalEffectKind​(CausalEffectKind value)
        Sets the kind of causal effect to optimize. e.g. Total/Direct. Not all algorithms support direct effect calculations.
        Specified by:
        setCausalEffectKind in interface OptimizerOptions
      • getPopulationSize

        public int getPopulationSize()
        Gets the number of chromosomes in each generation.
      • setPopulationSize

        public void setPopulationSize​(int value)
        Sets the number of chromosomes in each generation.
      • getSeed

        public Integer getSeed()
        The seed for the random number generator used by the Genetic Algorithm.
      • setSeed

        public void setSeed​(Integer value)
        The seed for the random number generator used by the Genetic Algorithm.
      • getQueryFunctions

        public List<QueryFunctionOutput> getQueryFunctions()
        Determines which additional functions, if any, should be calculated by the inference engine when evaluating the fitness of a solution. For example, functions that are referenced by a function node optimization target/objective.
        Specified by:
        getQueryFunctions in interface OptimizerOptions
      • setInferenceFactory

        public void setInferenceFactory​(InferenceFactory value)
        Used to create one or more inference engines, used by the algorithm to determine the fitness of possible solutions.
        Specified by:
        setInferenceFactory in interface OptimizerOptions
      • getStopping

        public Stop getStopping()
        Gets the instance implementing Stop used for early stopping. Stopping is different to cancellation, as stopping will still return an objective value from the optimization process, albeit having performed fewer iterations.
        Specified by:
        getStopping in interface OptimizerOptions
        The instance used for stopping.
      • setStopping

        public void setStopping​(Stop value)
        Sets the instance implementing Stop used for early stopping. Stopping is different to cancellation, as stopping will still return an objective value from the optimization process, albeit having performed fewer iterations.
        Specified by:
        setStopping in interface OptimizerOptions
        value - The instance used for stopping.
      • getQueryLogLikelihood

        public Boolean getQueryLogLikelihood()
        Determines whether the log-likelihood should be calculated by the inference engine when evaluating the fitness of a solution. For example, the log-likelihood maybe referenced by function nodes.
        Specified by:
        getQueryLogLikelihood in interface OptimizerOptions
      • setQueryLogLikelihood

        public void setQueryLogLikelihood​(Boolean value)
        Determines whether the log-likelihood should be calculated by the inference engine when evaluating the fitness of a solution. For example, the log-likelihood maybe referenced by function nodes.
        Specified by:
        setQueryLogLikelihood in interface OptimizerOptions