DesignState |
An input to the optimization algorithm.
DesignVariable |
Specifies on or more inputs to the optimization algorithm.
GeneticOptimizer |
A genetic algorithm optimizer.
GeneticOptimizerOptions |
Options governing the behaviour of the com.bayesserver.optimization.genetic.GeneticOptimizer algorithm.
GeneticOptimizerOutput |
Contains the results from the genetic optimization algorithm.
GeneticOptimizerProgressInfo |
Contains progress information sent from the genetic optimization algorithm.
GeneticOptionsBase |
Base class for common Genetic algorithm options.
GeneticSimplification |
An algorithm that attempts to simply the evidence found by an optimizer.
GeneticSimplificationOptions |
Options for the genetic simplifcation algorithm.
GeneticSimplificationOutput |
Contains the results from the genetic simplifcation algorithm.
GeneticTerminationOptions |
Termination options for the genetic optimization algorithm.
Objective |
Defines the target variable or state that you wish to maximize or minimize.
OptimizationWarning |
A warning generated by an optimization algorithm