Class DesignState

  • public final class DesignState
    extends Object
    An input to the optimization algorithm.
    • Constructor Detail

      • DesignState

        public DesignState​(State state,
                           Double lowerBound,
                           Double upperBound)
        Initializes a new instance of the com.bayesserver.optization.DesignState class.
        state - The state these options refer to.
        lowerBound - Lower bound during optimization.
        upperBound - Upper bound during optimization.
    • Method Detail

      • getState

        public State getState()
        Gets the state these options refer to.
      • getLowerBound

        public Double getLowerBound()
        The minimum value allowed for this variable/state during the optimization process.
      • setLowerBound

        public void setLowerBound​(Double value)
        The minimum value allowed for this variable/state during the optimization process.
      • getUpperBound

        public Double getUpperBound()
        The maximum value allowed for this variable/state during the optimization process.
      • setUpperBound

        public void setUpperBound​(Double value)
        The maximum value allowed for this variable/state during the optimization process.