Class GeneticSimplificationOptions

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public final class GeneticSimplificationOptions
    extends GeneticOptionsBase
    Options for the genetic simplifcation algorithm.
    • Constructor Detail

      • GeneticSimplificationOptions

        public GeneticSimplificationOptions()
    • Method Detail

      • getEvidenceToSimplify

        public Evidence getEvidenceToSimplify()
        The evidence from a previous optimization.
      • setEvidenceToSimplify

        public void setEvidenceToSimplify​(Evidence value)
        The evidence from a previous optimization.
      • getSimplifyTolerance

        public double getSimplifyTolerance()
        This is a non negative number which determines whether a simplified solution is close enough to the best found. A solution is deemed similar if the relative difference between the objectives is no greater than this value.
      • setSimplifyTolerance

        public void setSimplifyTolerance​(double value)
        This is a non negative number which determines whether a simplified solution is close enough to the best found. A solution is deemed similar if the relative difference between the objectives is no greater than this value.