Class FunctionVariableExpression

    • Constructor Detail

      • FunctionVariableExpression

        public FunctionVariableExpression​(String text,
                                          ExpressionReturnType returnType)
        Creates a new function node expression.
        text - The expression text.
        returnType - The return type of the expression.
    • Method Detail

      • copy

        public Expression copy()
        Creates a copy of the expression. The new expression will not have an owner.
        Specified by:
        copy in interface Expression
        A copy of the expression.
      • validateSyntax

        public static void validateSyntax​(String expr)
        Validates the syntax of a function expression. This method only checks the syntax, and does not ensure the expression will evaluate without errors.
        expr - The expression string to test.
      • setText

        public void setText​(String value)
        Sets the expression text.
        Specified by:
        setText in interface Expression
      • getOwner

        public Variable getOwner()
        Gets the current owner, if assigned to a variable. An expression cannot be modified when it is assigned to a variable.
        Specified by:
        getOwner in interface QueryExpression