ArcReversal |
Contains methods to reverse the direction of a Link , known as arc reversal.
Bounds |
Stores the position and size of an element.
CLGaussian |
Represents a Conditional Linear Gaussian probability distribution.
CustomProperty |
Stores a custom property.
CustomPropertyCollection |
Stores custom properties for a variety of objects.
Dag |
Includes methods for testing whether a network is a Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG).
DecomposeOptions |
DecomposeOutput |
Decomposer |
Contains methods to decompose nodes with multiple variables into their single variable equivalents.
DefaultCancellation |
Class for canceling long running operations.
FunctionVariableExpression |
An expression that can be used in a function node/variable.
Interval<T extends Comparable> |
An interval, defined by a minimum and maximum with respective open or closed endpoints.
License |
Provides license validation.
Link |
Represents a directed link in a Bayesian network.
MultipleIterator |
Provides methods to iterate over multiple distributions.
Network |
Represents a Bayesian Network, or a Dynamic Bayesian Network.
NetworkLinkCollection |
Represents the collection of directed links maintained by the Network class.
NetworkNodeCollection |
NetworkNodeGroupCollection |
A collection of groups.
NetworkVariableCollection |
Represents a read-only collection of variables that belong to a network.
Node |
Represents a node with one or more variables in a Bayesian network.
NodeDistributionExpressions |
Represents any distribution expressions assigned to a Node .
NodeDistributionExpressions.DistributionExpressionOrder |
Identifies a distribution expression and its temporal order.
NodeDistributionKey |
Identifies a distribution assigned or to be assigned to a node.
NodeDistributionOptions |
Options that apply to all distributions of a particular node.
NodeDistributions |
Represents the distributions assigned to a Node .
NodeDistributions.DistributionOrder |
Identifies a distribution and its temporal order.
NodeGroup |
Allows nodes to be assigned to one or more groups.
NodeGroupCollection |
Represents the collection of groups a node belongs to.
NodeLinkCollection |
Represents a read-only collection of links.
NodeVariableCollection |
Represents the collection of variables belonging to a
ParameterCounter |
Contains methods to determine the number of parameters in a Bayesian network or distribution.
ParameterCountOptions |
RandomDefault |
Default random number generator, that is consistent across the different APIs.
State |
Represents a state of a variable.
StateCollection |
Represents a collection of states belonging to a Variable .
StateContext |
Identifies a State and contextual information such as the time (zero based).
Table |
Used to represent probability distributions, conditional probability distributions, joint probability distributions and more general potentials, over a number of discrete variables.
Table.MarginalizeLowMemoryOptions |
Table.MaxValue |
TableAccessor |
Allows random access to the values in a Table , using a preferred variable ordering, as opposed to the default sorted order specified in Table.getSortedVariables() .
TableExpression |
Represents an expression that is used to generate Table distributions.
TableIterator |
Allows sequential access to the values in a Table , using a preferred variable ordering, as opposed to the default sorted order specified in Table.getSortedVariables() .
TopologicalSort |
Contains methods to sort nodes in a Bayesian network in topological order.
TopologicalSortNodeInfo |
Information about the topological order of a node.
Unroller |
Unrolls a Dynamic Bayesian network into the equivalent Bayesian network.
UnrollOptions |
Options governing the unrolling of a Dynamic Bayesian network.
UnrollOutput |
UnrollOutput.NodeTime |
Identifies a node and related time.
UnrollOutput.VariableTime |
Identifies a variable and related time.
ValidationOptions |
Represents options that govern the validation of a network.
Variable |
Represents a discrete or continuous random variable.
VariableContext |
Represents a variable and associated information such as time, and whether it is marked as head or tail.
VariableContextCollection |
Represents a read-only collection of variables.
VariableMap |
Maps between a custom variable order and the default sorted variable order.