Class ValidationOptions

    • Constructor Detail

      • ValidationOptions

        public ValidationOptions()
    • Method Detail

      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object
      • getAllowNullDistributions

        public boolean getAllowNullDistributions()
        Determines whether validation should succeed even if the required distribution(s) have not been assigned to a node. Default value is false. Temporal nodes (Dynamic Bayesian networks) may require multiple distributions to be specified.
      • setAllowNullDistributions

        public void setAllowNullDistributions​(boolean value)
        Determines whether validation should succeed even if the required distribution(s) have not been assigned to a node. Default value is false. Temporal nodes (Dynamic Bayesian networks) may require multiple distributions to be specified.
      • getAllowNullFunctions

        public boolean getAllowNullFunctions()
        Determines whether validation should succeed even if a function has not been assigned to a functiomn variable. Default value is false.
      • setAllowNullFunctions

        public void setAllowNullFunctions​(boolean value)
        Determines whether validation should succeed even if a function has not been assigned to a functiomn variable. Default value is false.