Interface Distribution

  • All Known Implementing Classes:
    CLGaussian, Table

    public interface Distribution
    Interface specifying the required methods and properties for a probability distribution. For example the Table class implements this interface. While a distribution is assigned to a Node it cannot be modified.
    See Also:
    Table, CLGaussian
    • Method Detail

      • getSortedVariables

        VariableContextCollection getSortedVariables()
        Gets the collection of variables in the distribution, sorted by time (which may be null) and the order in which variables were created.
        Variables sorted by time and the order in which variables were created.
      • timeShift

        void timeShift​(int units)
        Shifts any times associated with the distribution variables by the specified number of time units.
        units - The number of time units to shift. Can be negative if required.
      • getLocked

        boolean getLocked()
        Locks or unlocks a distribution. The distribution cannot be modified if either getLocked() is true or getOwner() is not null.
        true if locked; otherwise, false.
      • setLocked

        void setLocked​(boolean value)
        Locks or unlocks a distribution. The distribution cannot be modified if either getLocked() is true or getOwner() is not null.
        value - true if locked; otherwise, false.
      • isReadOnly

        boolean isReadOnly()
        Indicates whether the distribution is read only. A distribution is read only if it is locked or is assigned to a Node.
        true if read only; otherwise, false.
      • getOwner

        Node getOwner()
        Gets the current owner, if assigned to a node. A distribution cannot be modified when it is assigned to a node.
      • getOuter

        Distribution getOuter()
        Returns the parent distribution, if this instance is aggregated by another distribution.
      • multiply

        Distribution multiply​(Distribution distribution)
        Creates a new distribution which is the result of multiplying this instance by another distribution.
        distribution - The distribution to multiply this instance by.
        The combined distribution.
      • divide

        Distribution divide​(Distribution subset)
        Creates a new distribution by dividing the instance by the specified subset. Also known as the complement. The returned distribution, if multiplied by the subset, would be equivalent to this instance.
        subset - The subset to divide by.
        A new distribution.
      • instantiate

        Distribution instantiate​(Double[] values)
        Calculates the distribution which results from instantiating a number of variables. [values] should contain one entry for each
        values - The instantiated values. Entries can be null.
        The instantiated distribution.
        See Also:
        in the distribution, however entries can be null.
      • marginalize

        void marginalize​(Distribution superset)
        Marginalizes (sums/integrates) the [superset] into this instance.
        superset - A distribution whose variables form a superset of the variables in this instance.
      • marginalize

        void marginalize​(Distribution superset,
                         PropagationMethod propagation)
        Marginalizes (sums/integrates) the [superset] into this instance.
        superset - A distribution whose variables form a superset of the variables in this instance.
        propagation - The propagation method to use during marginalization.
      • copy

        Distribution copy()
        Creates a copy of the distribution. The new distribution will not have an owner.
        A copy of the distribution.
      • copy

        Distribution copy​(Integer timeShift)
        Creates a copy of the distribution, and shifts any times associated with variables by the specified amount. The new distribution will not have an owner.
        timeShift - The amount to shift any times present in the distribution. Can be negative.
        A copy of this instance, with shifted times.
      • getTable

        Table getTable()
        Gets the Table which specifies the distribution over any discrete variables. Often referred to as a Mixture.
        The table.