Uses of Interface
Packages that use Distribution Package Description com.bayesserver com.bayesserver.analysis com.bayesserver.causal com.bayesserver.inference com.bayesserver.learning.parameters com.bayesserver.statistics -
Uses of Distribution in com.bayesserver
Classes in com.bayesserver that implement Distribution Modifier and Type Class Description class
Represents a Conditional Linear Gaussian probability distribution.class
Used to represent probability distributions, conditional probability distributions, joint probability distributions and more general potentials, over a number of discrete variables.Methods in com.bayesserver that return Distribution Modifier and Type Method Description Distribution
CLGaussian. copy()
Creates a copy of the distribution.Distribution
CLGaussian. copy(Integer timeShift)
Creates a copy of the distribution, and shifts any times associated with variables by the specified amount.Distribution
Distribution. copy()
Creates a copy of the distribution.Distribution
Distribution. copy(Integer timeShift)
Creates a copy of the distribution, and shifts any times associated with variables by the specified amount.Distribution
Table. copy()
Creates a copy of the distribution.Distribution
Table. copy(Integer timeShift)
Creates a copy of the distribution, and shifts any times associated with variables by the specified amount.Distribution
CLGaussian. divide(Distribution subset)
Creates a new distribution by dividing this instance by the [subset].Distribution
Distribution. divide(Distribution subset)
Creates a new distribution by dividing the instance by the specified subset.Distribution
Table. divide(Distribution subset)
Creates a new distribution by dividing this instance by the [subset].Distribution
NodeDistributions. findForTime(int time)
Finds the temporal distribution that is suitable for the time specified.Distribution
NodeDistributions. findForTime(int time, NodeDistributionKind kind)
Finds the temporal distribution that is suitable for the time specified.Distribution
NodeDistributions. get(int temporalOrder)
Gets a distribution at a particular temporal order.Distribution
NodeDistributions. get(NodeDistributionKey key)
Gets a distribution with particular properties, such as temporal order.Distribution
NodeDistributions. get(NodeDistributionKey key, NodeDistributionKind kind)
Gets a distribution with particular properties, such as temporal order.Distribution
NodeDistributions. get(NodeDistributionKind kind)
Gets a particular kind of distribution on the node.Distribution
Node. getDistribution()
Returns the distribution currently associated with theNode
NodeDistributions.DistributionOrder. getDistribution()
Gets the distribution.Distribution
CLGaussian. getOuter()
Distribution. getOuter()
Returns the parent distribution, if this instance is aggregated by another distribution.Distribution
Table. getOuter()
CLGaussian. instantiate(Double[] values)
Calculates the distribution which results from instantiating a number of variables.Distribution
Distribution. instantiate(Double[] values)
Calculates the distribution which results from instantiating a number of variables.Distribution
Table. instantiate(Double[] values)
Creates a table with a subset of variables by setting hard evidence on one or more variables.Distribution
CLGaussian. instantiateHeads(Double[] headValues, double[] logPdf)
Instantiates continuous head variable contexts.Distribution
CLGaussian. multiply(Distribution distribution)
Multiplies this instance by another distribution.Distribution
Distribution. multiply(Distribution distribution)
Creates a new distribution which is the result of multiplying this instance by another distribution.Distribution
Table. multiply(Distribution distribution)
Creates a new distribution by multiplying this instance by another distribution.Distribution
Node. newDistribution()
Creates a new distribution suitable for the node, however does not assign it to the node'sNode.getDistribution()
Node. newDistribution(int temporalOrder)
Creates a new distribution suitable for the requested temporal order, however it is not assigned to the node.Distribution
Node. newDistribution(NodeDistributionKey key)
Creates a new distribution suitable for the requested temporal order/related node, however it is not assigned to the node.Distribution
Node. newDistribution(NodeDistributionKey key, NodeDistributionKind kind)
Creates a new distribution suitable for the requested temporal order/related node, however it is not assigned to the node.Distribution
Node. newDistribution(NodeDistributionKey key, NodeDistributionKind kind, DistributionExpression expression)
Creates a new distribution from an expression suitable for the requested temporal order/related node, however it is not assigned to the node, and neither is the expression.Distribution
Node. newDistribution(NodeDistributionKind kind)
Creates a new distribution with the given kind, however it is not assigned to the node.Methods in com.bayesserver that return types with arguments of type Distribution Modifier and Type Method Description Set<Map.Entry<NodeDistributionKey,Distribution>>
NodeDistributions. entrySet()
Methods in com.bayesserver with parameters of type Distribution Modifier and Type Method Description void
NetworkMonitor. distributionChanged(Node node, NodeDistributionKey key, NodeDistributionKind kind, Distribution newDistribution, Distribution oldDistribution)
For internal use.Distribution
CLGaussian. divide(Distribution subset)
Creates a new distribution by dividing this instance by the [subset].Distribution
Distribution. divide(Distribution subset)
Creates a new distribution by dividing the instance by the specified subset.Distribution
Table. divide(Distribution subset)
Creates a new distribution by dividing this instance by the [subset].void
CLGaussian. marginalize(Distribution superset)
Marginalizes (integrates) the [superset] into this instance.void
CLGaussian. marginalize(Distribution superset, PropagationMethod propagation)
Marginalizes (integrates) the [superset] into this instance.void
Distribution. marginalize(Distribution superset)
Marginalizes (sums/integrates) the [superset] into this instance.void
Distribution. marginalize(Distribution superset, PropagationMethod propagation)
Marginalizes (sums/integrates) the [superset] into this instance.void
Table. marginalize(Distribution superset)
Marginalizes (sums) the [superset] into this instance.void
Table. marginalize(Distribution superset, PropagationMethod propagation)
Marginalizes (sums) the [superset] into this instance.Distribution
CLGaussian. multiply(Distribution distribution)
Multiplies this instance by another distribution.Distribution
Distribution. multiply(Distribution distribution)
Creates a new distribution which is the result of multiplying this instance by another distribution.Distribution
Table. multiply(Distribution distribution)
Creates a new distribution by multiplying this instance by another distribution.void
NodeDistributions. set(int temporalOrder, Distribution value)
Sets a distribution at a particular temporal order.void
NodeDistributions. set(NodeDistributionKey key, Distribution value)
Sets a distribution with particular properties, such as temporal order.void
NodeDistributions. set(NodeDistributionKey key, NodeDistributionKind kind, Distribution value)
Sets a distribution with particular properties, such as temporal order.void
NodeDistributions. set(NodeDistributionKind kind, Distribution value)
Sets a particular kind of distribution on the node.void
Node. setDistribution(Distribution value)
Returns the distribution currently associated with theNode
NodeDistributions. validateDistribution(Distribution value, NodeDistributionKey key)
Checks that a distribution is correctly specified for a particular temporal order.void
NodeDistributions. validateDistribution(Distribution value, NodeDistributionKey key, NodeDistributionKind kind)
Checks that a distribution is correctly specified for a particular temporal order. -
Uses of Distribution in com.bayesserver.analysis
Methods in com.bayesserver.analysis that return Distribution Modifier and Type Method Description Distribution
AutoInsightVariableOutput. getProbabilityGivenTarget()
Gets the distribution of this variable given the target.Methods in com.bayesserver.analysis with parameters of type Distribution Modifier and Type Method Description static ImpactOutput
Impact. calculate(Network network, Distribution hypothesisQuery, Evidence evidence, List<Variable> evidenceToAnalyse, ImpactOptions options)
Analyzes the impact of sets of evidence on the resulting probability distribution of a hypothesis variable.static ImpactOutput
Impact. calculate(Network network, Distribution hypothesisQuery, StateContext[] hypothesisCombination, Evidence evidence, List<Variable> evidenceToAnalyse, ImpactOptions options)
Analyzes the impact of sets of evidence on a hypothesis query and discrete combination of that hypothesis query.static ImpactHypothesisOutput
Impact. calculateStreamed(Network network, Distribution hypothesisQuery, Evidence evidence, List<Variable> evidenceToAnalyse, ImpactAction outputItem, ImpactOptions options)
Analyzes the impact of sets of evidence on the resulting probability distribution of a hypothesis variable.static ImpactHypothesisOutput
Impact. calculateStreamed(Network network, Distribution hypothesisQuery, StateContext[] hypothesisState, Evidence evidence, List<Variable> evidenceToAnalyse, ImpactAction outputItem, ImpactOptions options)
Analyzes the impact of sets of evidence on a hypothesis query and discrete combination of that hypothesis query. -
Uses of Distribution in com.bayesserver.causal
Methods in com.bayesserver.causal that return Distribution Modifier and Type Method Description Distribution
EffectsAnalysisOutputItem. getOutcomeDistribution()
Gets P(Outcome|Do(Treatment=TreatmentState)) for discrete treatments and P(Outcome|Do(Treatment=TreatmentValue)) for continuous treatments.Methods in com.bayesserver.causal with parameters of type Distribution Modifier and Type Method Description static void
BackdoorGraph. convert(Network network, Evidence evidence, Distribution query, BackdoorGraphOptions options)
Constructs the Backdoor graph or the proper Backdoor graph from a Bayesian network, one of more treatments (X) and one or more outcomes (Y).static void
IndirectGraph. convert(Network network, Evidence evidence, Distribution query, IndirectGraphOptions options)
Constructs the 'Indirect graph' from a Bayesian network, one of more treatments (X) and one or more outcomes (Y).IdentificationOutput
BackdoorCriterion. identify(Evidence evidence, Distribution query, IdentificationOptions options)
Determines how to quantify a cause-effect relationship (for a particular criterion), but does not perform the actual estimation.IdentificationOutput
DisjunctiveCauseCriterion. identify(Evidence evidence, Distribution query, IdentificationOptions options)
Determines how to quantify a cause-effect relationship (for a particular criterion), but does not perform the actual estimation.IdentificationOutput
FrontDoorCriterion. identify(Evidence evidence, Distribution query, IdentificationOptions options)
Determines how to quantify a cause-effect relationship (for a particular criterion), but does not perform the actual estimation.IdentificationOutput
Identification. identify(Evidence evidence, Distribution query, IdentificationOptions options)
Determines how to quantify a cause-effect relationship (for a particular criterion), but does not perform the actual estimation.BackdoorCriterionOutput
FrontDoorCriterion. identifyZY(Evidence evidence, FrontDoorSet frontDoorNodes, Distribution query, BackdoorCriterionOptions options)
Uses the 'Backdoor criterion' to identify any 'adjustment sets' between front-door nodes (Z) and outcomes (Y).boolean
BackdoorCriterion. isValid(Evidence evidence, Distribution query, ValidationOptions options)
Tests whether adjustment inputs are valid, without raising an exception.boolean
DisjunctiveCauseCriterion. isValid(Evidence evidence, Distribution query, ValidationOptions options)
Tests whether adjustment inputs are valid, without raising an exception.boolean
FrontDoorCriterion. isValid(Evidence evidence, Distribution query, ValidationOptions options)
Tests whether adjustment inputs are valid, without raising an exception.boolean
Validation. isValid(Evidence evidence, Distribution query, ValidationOptions options)
Tests whether adjustment inputs are valid, without raising an exception.void
BackdoorCriterion. validate(Evidence evidence, Distribution query, ValidationOptions options)
Tests whether adjustment inputs are valid, and throws an exception if not, with an error message.void
DisjunctiveCauseCriterion. validate(Evidence evidence, Distribution query, ValidationOptions options)
Tests whether adjustment inputs are valid, and throws an exception if not, with an error message.void
FrontDoorCriterion. validate(Evidence evidence, Distribution query, ValidationOptions options)
Tests whether adjustment inputs are valid, and throws an exception if not, with an error message.void
Validation. validate(Evidence evidence, Distribution query, ValidationOptions options)
Tests whether adjustment inputs are valid, and throws an exception if not, with an error message. -
Uses of Distribution in com.bayesserver.inference
Methods in com.bayesserver.inference that return Distribution Modifier and Type Method Description Distribution
QueryDistribution. getDistribution()
Gets the distribution to query.Methods in com.bayesserver.inference with parameters of type Distribution Modifier and Type Method Description QueryDistribution
DefaultQueryDistributionCollection. add(Distribution distribution)
Adds the specified distribution, automatically creating aQueryDistribution
QueryDistributionCollection. add(Distribution distribution)
Adds the specified distribution, automatically creating aQueryDistribution
instance.Constructors in com.bayesserver.inference with parameters of type Distribution Constructor Description QueryDistribution(Distribution distribution)
Initializes a new instance of theQueryDistribution
class.QueryDistribution(Distribution distribution, boolean isEnabled)
Initializes a new instance of theQueryDistribution
class. -
Uses of Distribution in com.bayesserver.learning.parameters
Methods in com.bayesserver.learning.parameters that return Distribution Modifier and Type Method Description Distribution
ParameterLearningProgressInfo. getMonitoredDistribution(Node node)
Gets a copy of the current distribution assigned to the [node].Distribution
ParameterLearningProgressInfo. getMonitoredDistribution(Node node, NodeDistributionKey key)
Gets a copy of the current distribution assigned to the [node] at the requested order.Distribution
ParameterLearningProgressInfo. getMonitoredDistribution(Node node, Integer order)
Gets a copy of the current distribution assigned to the [node] at the requested order. -
Uses of Distribution in com.bayesserver.statistics
Methods in com.bayesserver.statistics with parameters of type Distribution Modifier and Type Method Description static double
Entropy. calculate(Distribution joint, LogarithmBase logarithmBase)
Measures the uncertainty of a distribution.static double
Entropy. calculate(Distribution joint, List<VariableContext> conditionOn, LogarithmBase logarithmBase)
Measures the uncertainty of a distribution conditional on one or more variables.static double
MutualInformation. calculate(Distribution joint, VariableContext x, VariableContext y, LogarithmBase logarithmBase)
Measures the dependence between two variables.static double
MutualInformation. calculate(Distribution joint, VariableContext x, VariableContext y, List<VariableContext> conditionOn, LogarithmBase logarithmBase)
Calculates mutual information or conditional mutual information, which measures the dependence between two variables.static double
MutualInformation. calculate(Distribution joint, List<VariableContext> x, List<VariableContext> y, List<VariableContext> conditionOn, LogarithmBase logarithmBase)
Calculates mutual information or conditional mutual information, which measures the dependence between two variables.static double
JensenShannon. divergence(Distribution p, Distribution q, LogarithmBase logarithm)
Calculates the Jensen Shannon divergence between two distributions.static double
KullbackLeibler. divergence(Distribution priorQ, Distribution posteriorP, LogarithmBase logarithm)
Calculates the Kullback-Leibler divergence D(P||Q).