Class MutualInformation

  • public final class MutualInformation
    extends Object
    Calculates mutual information or conditional mutual information, which measures the dependence between two variables.
    • Method Detail

      • calculate

        public static double calculate​(Distribution joint,
                                       VariableContext x,
                                       VariableContext y,
                                       LogarithmBase logarithmBase)
        Measures the dependence between two variables.
        joint - The joint distribution over two (head) variables.
        x - X in the expression I(X,Y).
        y - Y in the expression I(X,Y).
        logarithmBase - The logarithm base to use for the calculations.
        The mutual information value.
      • calculate

        public static double calculate​(Distribution joint,
                                       VariableContext x,
                                       VariableContext y,
                                       List<VariableContext> conditionOn,
                                       LogarithmBase logarithmBase)
        Calculates mutual information or conditional mutual information, which measures the dependence between two variables.
        joint - The joint distribution over two or more variables.
        x - X in the expression I(X,Y) or I(X,Y|Z).
        y - Y in the expression I(X,Y) or I(X,Y|Z).
        conditionOn - Any conditional variables. I.e. Z in the expression I(X,Y|Z) when calculating conditional mutual information.
        logarithmBase - The logarithm base to use for the calculations.
        The mutual information value.
      • calculate

        public static double calculate​(Distribution joint,
                                       List<VariableContext> x,
                                       List<VariableContext> y,
                                       List<VariableContext> conditionOn,
                                       LogarithmBase logarithmBase)
        Calculates mutual information or conditional mutual information, which measures the dependence between two variables.
        joint - The joint distribution over two or more variables.
        x - X in the expression I(X,Y) or I(X,Y|Z).
        y - Y in the expression I(X,Y) or I(X,Y|Z).
        conditionOn - Any conditional variables. I.e. Z in the expression I(X,Y|Z) when calculating conditional mutual information.
        logarithmBase - The logarithm base to use for the calculations.
        The mutual information value.