AssignedDefinition |
Identifies the node that is assigned to a clique in a Junction Tree.
CliqueDefinition |
The definition of a clique in a junction tree, without the instantiation of the distribution.
DefaultEvidence |
Represents the evidence, or case data (e.g.
DefaultQueryDistributionCollection |
DefaultQueryFunctionCollection |
EliminationDefinition |
Identifies a node that is eliminated during exact inference.
EliminationDefinitionCollection |
A list of elminated nodes during inference.
EvidenceTypes |
Provides information about the type of evidence on a variable as well as whether it is an intervention (do operator) or not.
JunctionTreesDefinition |
A jumction tree or junction trees.
LikelihoodSamplingInference |
An approximate probabilistic inference algorithm for Bayesian networks and Dynamic Bayesian networks, based on Likelihood Sampling.
LikelihoodSamplingInferenceFactory |
Uses the factory design pattern to create inference related objects for the Likelihood Sampling algorithm.
LikelihoodSamplingQueryLifecycleBegin |
Query lifecycle begin implementation for the Likelihood Sampling algorithm.
LikelihoodSamplingQueryLifecycleEnd |
Query end lifecycle implementation for the Likelihood Sampling algorithm.
LikelihoodSamplingQueryOptions |
LikelihoodSamplingQueryOutput |
Returns any information, in addition to the distributions , that is requested from a query .
LoopyBeliefInference |
An approximate but deterministic probabilistic inference algorithm for Bayesian networks and Dynamic Bayesian networks based on Loopy Belief Propagation.
LoopyBeliefInferenceFactory |
Uses the factory design pattern to create inference related objects for the Loopy Belief algorithm.
LoopyBeliefQueryLifecycleBegin |
Query lifecycle begin implementation for the Loopy Belief algorithm.
LoopyBeliefQueryLifecycleEnd |
Query end lifecycle implementation for the Loopy Belief algorithm.
LoopyBeliefQueryOptions |
LoopyBeliefQueryOutput |
Returns any information, in addition to the distributions , that is requested from a query .
QueryDistribution |
QueryFunction |
QueryFunctionOutput |
A class whose value holds the result of a function evaluation, populated during a query.
QueryLifecycleBeginBase |
Query begin lifecycle base class implementation for causal algorithms.
QueryLifecycleEndBase |
Query end lifecycle base class implementation for causal algorithms.
RelevanceTreeInference |
An exact probabilistic inference algorithm for Bayesian networks and Dynamic Bayesian networks, that can compute multiple distributions more efficiently than the VariableEliminationInference algorithm.
RelevanceTreeInferenceFactory |
Uses the factory design pattern to create inference related objects for the Relevance Tree algorithm.
RelevanceTreeQueryLifecycleBegin |
Query lifecycle begin implementation for the Relevance Tree algorithm.
RelevanceTreeQueryLifecycleEnd |
Query end lifecycle implementation for the Relevance Tree algorithm.
RelevanceTreeQueryOptions |
RelevanceTreeQueryOutput |
Returns any information, in addition to the distributions , that is requested from a query .
SepsetDefinition |
The definition of a sepset in a junction tree, without the instantiation of the distribution.
SoftEvidence |
Helper methods for manipulating soft/virtual evidence.
TreeQuery |
Contains methods to determine properties of a Bayesian network or Dynamic Bayesian network when converted to a tree for inference.
TreeQueryOptions |
Options which affect the calculation performed by a TreeQuery .
TreeQueryOutput |
VariableEliminationInference |
An exact inference algorithm for Bayesian networks and Dynamic Bayesian networks, loosely based on the Variable Elimination algorithm.
VariableEliminationInferenceFactory |
Uses the factory design pattern to create inference related objects for the Variable elimination algorithm.
VariableEliminationQueryLifecycleBegin |
Query lifecycle begin implementation for the Variable Elimination algorithm.
VariableEliminationQueryLifecycleEnd |
Query end lifecycle implementation for the Variable Elimination algorithm.
VariableEliminationQueryOptions |
VariableEliminationQueryOutput |
Returns any information, in addition to the distributions , that is requested from a query .