Uses of Package
Classes in com.bayesserver.inference used by com.bayesserver.analysis Class Description Evidence Represents the evidence, or case data (e.g.InconsistentEvidenceException Exception raised when either inconsistent evidence is detected, or underflow has occurred.InferenceFactory Uses the factory design pattern to create inference related objects for inference algorithms. -
Classes in com.bayesserver.inference used by com.bayesserver.causal Class Description CausalEffectKind The type of causal effect to identify or estimate.DecisionAlgorithm The type of algorithm to use when a network has decision nodes.Evidence Represents the evidence, or case data (e.g.InconsistentEvidenceException Exception raised when either inconsistent evidence is detected, or underflow has occurred.InconsistentEvidenceMode Determines when anInconsistentEvidenceException
is raied.Inference The interface for a Bayesian network inference algorithm, which is used to perform queries such as calculating posterior probabilities and log-likelihood values for a case.InferenceFactory Uses the factory design pattern to create inference related objects for inference algorithms.QueryDistribution Defines a distribution to be queried in a call toInference.query(com.bayesserver.inference.QueryOptions, com.bayesserver.inference.QueryOutput)
.QueryDistributionCollection The collection of distributions to be calculated by aInference.query(com.bayesserver.inference.QueryOptions, com.bayesserver.inference.QueryOutput)
.QueryEvidenceMode Determines how predictions on variables with evidence are performed.QueryFunctionCollection Collection of functions to be evaluated at query time, after any query distributions have been calculated.QueryFunctionOutput A class whose value holds the result of a function evaluation, populated during a query.QueryLifecycle Allows callers to hook into the query lifecycle of an inference engine.QueryOptions Options that govern the calculations performed byInference.query(com.bayesserver.inference.QueryOptions, com.bayesserver.inference.QueryOutput)
.QueryOutput Returns any information, in addition to thedistributions
, that is requested from aquery
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Classes in com.bayesserver.inference used by Class Description Evidence Represents the evidence, or case data (e.g. -
Classes in com.bayesserver.inference used by Class Description Evidence Represents the evidence, or case data (e.g.InconsistentEvidenceException Exception raised when either inconsistent evidence is detected, or underflow has occurred. -
Classes in com.bayesserver.inference used by com.bayesserver.inference Class Description AssignedDefinition Identifies the node that is assigned to a clique in a Junction Tree.CausalEffectKind The type of causal effect to identify or estimate.CliqueDefinition The definition of a clique in a junction tree, without the instantiation of the distribution.DecisionAlgorithm The type of algorithm to use when a network has decision nodes.DefaultEvidence Represents the evidence, or case data (e.g.EliminationDefinition Identifies a node that is eliminated during exact inference.EliminationDefinitionCollection A list of elminated nodes during inference.Evidence Represents the evidence, or case data (e.g.EvidenceType The type of evidence for a variable.EvidenceTypes Provides information about the type of evidence on a variable as well as whether it is an intervention (do operator) or not.InconsistentEvidenceException Exception raised when either inconsistent evidence is detected, or underflow has occurred.InconsistentEvidenceMode Determines when anInconsistentEvidenceException
is raied.Inference The interface for a Bayesian network inference algorithm, which is used to perform queries such as calculating posterior probabilities and log-likelihood values for a case.InferenceFactory Uses the factory design pattern to create inference related objects for inference algorithms.InterventionType Determines whether evidence is an intervention (do operator) or not.JunctionTreeNodeDefinition A junction tree node, which can be either a clique or a sepset.JunctionTreesDefinition A jumction tree or junction trees.QueryComparison Determines whether and how queried values (e.g.QueryDistance Type of distance to calculate for a query.QueryDistribution Defines a distribution to be queried in a call toInference.query(com.bayesserver.inference.QueryOptions, com.bayesserver.inference.QueryOutput)
.QueryDistributionCollection The collection of distributions to be calculated by aInference.query(com.bayesserver.inference.QueryOptions, com.bayesserver.inference.QueryOutput)
.QueryEvidenceMode Determines how predictions on variables with evidence are performed.QueryFunction Defines a function to be evaluated in a call toInference.query(com.bayesserver.inference.QueryOptions, com.bayesserver.inference.QueryOutput)
.QueryFunctionCollection Collection of functions to be evaluated at query time, after any query distributions have been calculated.QueryFunctionOutput A class whose value holds the result of a function evaluation, populated during a query.QueryLifecycle Allows callers to hook into the query lifecycle of an inference engine.QueryLifecycleBegin Contains information that is passed via theQueryLifecycle
interface.QueryLifecycleBeginBase Query begin lifecycle base class implementation for causal algorithms.QueryLifecycleEnd Contains information that is passed via theQueryLifecycle
interface.QueryLifecycleEndBase Query end lifecycle base class implementation for causal algorithms.QueryOptions Options that govern the calculations performed byInference.query(com.bayesserver.inference.QueryOptions, com.bayesserver.inference.QueryOutput)
.QueryOutput Returns any information, in addition to thedistributions
, that is requested from aquery
.QuerySamplingOptions Interface for approximate sampling inference algorithms, which can be implemented in addition toQueryOptions
.SepsetDefinition The definition of a sepset in a junction tree, without the instantiation of the distribution.TreeQueryOptions Options which affect the calculation performed by aTreeQuery
.TreeQueryOutput Contains information output by aTreeQuery
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Classes in com.bayesserver.inference used by com.bayesserver.learning.parameters Class Description DecisionAlgorithm The type of algorithm to use when a network has decision nodes.Evidence Represents the evidence, or case data (e.g.InconsistentEvidenceException Exception raised when either inconsistent evidence is detected, or underflow has occurred.InferenceFactory Uses the factory design pattern to create inference related objects for inference algorithms. -
Classes in com.bayesserver.inference used by com.bayesserver.learning.structure Class Description InferenceFactory Uses the factory design pattern to create inference related objects for inference algorithms. -
Classes in com.bayesserver.inference used by com.bayesserver.optimization Class Description CausalEffectKind The type of causal effect to identify or estimate.Evidence Represents the evidence, or case data (e.g.InferenceFactory Uses the factory design pattern to create inference related objects for inference algorithms.InterventionType Determines whether evidence is an intervention (do operator) or not.QueryDistribution Defines a distribution to be queried in a call toInference.query(com.bayesserver.inference.QueryOptions, com.bayesserver.inference.QueryOutput)
.QueryFunctionOutput A class whose value holds the result of a function evaluation, populated during a query.