Interface QueryOptions

    • Method Detail

      • getDecisionAlgorithm

        DecisionAlgorithm getDecisionAlgorithm()
        Gets the algorithm to use when a network contains Decision nodes.
      • setDecisionAlgorithm

        void setDecisionAlgorithm​(DecisionAlgorithm value)
        Sets the algorithm to use when a network contains Decision nodes.
      • getConflict

        boolean getConflict()
        Gets a value indicating whether the conflict measure should be calculated in a call to Inference.query(com.bayesserver.inference.QueryOptions, com.bayesserver.inference.QueryOutput). If calculated the result can be obtained from QueryOutput.getConflict().

        Conflict is a measure that detects evidence that is conflicting or rare. The greater the conflict value above zero, the more likely the evidence is in conflict, or rare.

        Conflict = log((P(e1)P(e2)...P(ei)) / P(e)), where P(e1), P(e2) etc... are the likelihoods of each variable considered in isolation, and P(e) is the likelihood of the all the evidence together.

      • setConflict

        void setConflict​(boolean value)
        Sets a value indicating whether the conflict measure should be calculated in a call to Inference.query(com.bayesserver.inference.QueryOptions, com.bayesserver.inference.QueryOutput). If calculated the result can be obtained from QueryOutput.getConflict().

        Conflict is a measure that detects evidence that is conflicting or rare. The greater the conflict value above zero, the more likely the evidence is in conflict, or rare.

        Conflict = log((P(e1)P(e2)...P(ei)) / P(e)), where P(e1), P(e2) etc... are the likelihoods of each variable considered in isolation, and P(e) is the likelihood of the all the evidence together.

      • setQueryEvidenceMode

        void setQueryEvidenceMode​(QueryEvidenceMode value)
        Determines whether evidence is retracted for each query. See QueryEvidenceMode for more information.
      • getTerminalTime

        Integer getTerminalTime()
        Gets the terminal time, which is the time at which any terminal nodes in a Dynamic Bayesian Network connect to temporal nodes.
      • setTerminalTime

        void setTerminalTime​(Integer value)
        Sets the terminal time, which is the time at which any terminal nodes in a Dynamic Bayesian Network connect to temporal nodes.
      • getCausalEffectKind

        CausalEffectKind getCausalEffectKind()
        Gets the kind of effect to calculate. e.g. Total/Direct. Not all algorithms support direct effect calculations.
      • setCausalEffectKind

        void setCausalEffectKind​(CausalEffectKind value)
        Sets the kind of effect to calculate. e.g. Total/Direct. Not all algorithms support direct effect calculations.
      • getCausalInferenceFactory

        InferenceFactory getCausalInferenceFactory()
        Factory that can create inference engines, used by estimation (adjustment) algorithms to perform queries on the Bayesian network.
      • setCausalInferenceFactory

        void setCausalInferenceFactory​(InferenceFactory value)
        Factory that can create inference engines, used by estimation (adjustment) algorithms to perform queries on the Bayesian network.