Class QueryFunction

    • Constructor Detail

      • QueryFunction

        public QueryFunction​(QueryFunctionOutput functionOutput)
        Initializes a new instance of the QueryFunction class. The enabled property defaults to true.
        functionOutput - Collects the output of the function evaluation.
      • QueryFunction

        public QueryFunction​(QueryFunctionOutput functionOutput,
                             boolean isEnabled)
        Initializes a new instance of the QueryFunction class.
        functionOutput - Collects the output of the function evaluation.
        isEnabled - Sets the getIsEnabled() property.
    • Method Detail

      • getIsEnabled

        public boolean getIsEnabled()
        Gets a value indicating whether the function should be evaluated.
        true if the function should be evaluated; otherwise, false.
      • setIsEnabled

        public void setIsEnabled​(boolean value)
        Sets a value indicating whether the function should be evaluated.
        value - true if the function should be evaluated; otherwise, false.
      • getFunctionOutput

        public QueryFunctionOutput getFunctionOutput()
        Gets the function to evaluate.
        The function.
      • copy

        public QueryFunction copy()
        Copies this instance, creating a copy of the function output as well.
        A copy of this instance.