Class CrossValidation

  • public final class CrossValidation
    extends Object
    Allows test metrics/scores to be calculated using cross validation.
    • Method Detail

      • kFoldList

        public static List<CrossValidationOutput> kFoldList​(int partitionCount)
        Gets a list of training and test DataPartitioning instances for each partition. This method is an alternative to the callback based kFold(int, int, method.
        partitionCount - The number of k-fold partitions.
        Training and test DataPartitioning instances for each partition.
      • kFold

        public static CrossValidationScore[] kFold​(int partitionCount,
                                                   int testMetricCount,
                                                   CrossValidationActions actions)
        Performs k-fold cross validation.
        partitionCount - The number of partitions to use.
        testMetricCount - The number of test metrics being calculated.
        actions - User supplied actions for the cross validation process.
        A score for each test metric.
      • combine

        public static double combine​(Iterable<CrossValidationTestResult> testResults,
                                     CrossValidationCombineMethod method)
        Provides standard ways of combining numeric test results from a number of partitions. These can be used in the combine each phase of k-fold cross validation.
        testResults - The test results. Typically one for each test partitioning.
        method - The method to be used to combine the test results.
        The overall cross validation score, which can be used to compare models.