Class InSampleAnomalyDetection

  • public final class InSampleAnomalyDetection
    extends Object
    Detects in-sample anomalies in a data set.
    • Method Detail

      • learn

        public static InSampleAnomalyDetection learn​(Network network,
                                                     EvidenceReaderCommandFactory evidenceReaderCommandFactory,
                                                     InSampleAnomalyDetectionActions actions,
                                                     InSampleAnomalyDetectionOptions options)
        Build the in-sample anomaly detector, which can be used to remove anomalous data from a training data set.
        evidenceReaderCommandFactory - An instance which can create evidence reader commands which may be partitioned.
        actions - User supplied functions required during the calculation.
        network - The network structure to use to for the anomaly detection model. This can be a simple mixture model (cluster model) of a more complicated model.
        options - Options affecting how the detector is learned.
      • test

        public InSampleAnomalyDetectionOutput test​(Evidence evidence)
        Determines whether a record is anomalous. Typically a record is from the in-sample data used to train this instance.
        evidence - Evidence to test.
        An output instance which indicates whether the record is anomalous.