Class InSampleAnomalyDetectionOptions

    • Constructor Detail

      • InSampleAnomalyDetectionOptions

        public InSampleAnomalyDetectionOptions()
    • Method Detail

      • getPartitions

        public int getPartitions()
        Gets the number of cross validation partitions to use. The higher the number, the longer the tests will take.
      • setPartitions

        public void setPartitions​(int value)
        Sets the number of cross validation partitions to use. The higher the number, the longer the tests will take.
      • getInferenceFactory

        public InferenceFactory getInferenceFactory()
        Gets the factory which is used to create inference engines during the in-sample anomaly detection process.
      • setInferenceFactory

        public void setInferenceFactory​(InferenceFactory value)
        Sets the factory which is used to create inference engines during the in-sample anomaly detection process.