Class InSampleAnomalyDetectionOutput

    • Method Detail

      • getAnomalyScore

        public double getAnomalyScore()
        Gets a value between [0, 1] with values closer to 0 being more likely to be anomalous.
      • isAnomalous

        public boolean isAnomalous()
        Determines whether the record is deemed anomalous.
      • isAnomalous

        public boolean isAnomalous​(Double tolerance)
        Determines whether the record is deemed anomalous.
        tolerance - Used as a threshold to determine whether a record is anomalous or not. A value of 0.0 would only catch the most extreme anomalies. A value of 1.0 would mark everything as anomalous. Leave as null to use an appropriate default.
        true if the record is deemed anomalous, false otherwise.