Class DiscretizationColumn

  • public final class DiscretizationColumn
    extends Object
    Identifies a column of data and how it is to be discretized.
    • Constructor Detail

      • DiscretizationColumn

        public DiscretizationColumn​(String columnName)
        Initializes a new instance of the DiscretizationColumn class.
        columnName - The name of the column of data to discretize.
    • Method Detail

      • getOptions

        public DiscretizationOptions getOptions()
        Gets the discretization options for this column of data.
      • getColumnName

        public String getColumnName()
        Gets the name of the column of data to be discretized.
      • setColumnName

        public void setColumnName​(String value)
        Sets the name of the column of data to be discretized.