Class DiscretizationOptions

  • public class DiscretizationOptions
    extends Object
    Options that determine whether and how continuous data should be discretized.
    • Constructor Detail

      • DiscretizationOptions

        public DiscretizationOptions()
    • Method Detail

      • getInfiniteExtremes

        public boolean getInfiniteExtremes()
        Gets a value indicating whether the first and last intervals extend to negative and positive infinity respectively.
      • setInfiniteExtremes

        public void setInfiniteExtremes​(boolean value)
        Sets a value indicating whether the first and last intervals extend to negative and positive infinity respectively.
      • getSuggestedBinCount

        public int getSuggestedBinCount()
        Gets the number of suggested bins to use during discretization. The actual number of bins may be lower than the suggested bin count, if there is insufficient data.
      • setSuggestedBinCount

        public void setSuggestedBinCount​(int value)
        Sets the number of suggested bins to use during discretization. The actual number of bins may be lower than the suggested bin count, if there is insufficient data.