Class ConfusionMatrixCell

  • public final class ConfusionMatrixCell
    extends Object
    Contains statistics about a cell in a ConfusionMatrix.
    • Constructor Detail

      • ConfusionMatrixCell

        public ConfusionMatrixCell()
    • Method Detail

      • size

        public double size()
        Gets the count (support) for this cell. This is the number of cases that have been classified as belonging to this cell.
      • getProbability

        public double getProbability()
        Gets the overall probability for this cell. This is the proportion of cases that have been classified as belonging to this cell.
      • getProbabilityGivenActual

        public Double getProbabilityGivenActual()
        Gets the probability for this cell, conditional on the actual counts. For binary classifiers, the terms recall rate/sensitivity/true positive rate/specificity/true negative rate are sometimes used to refer to particular cells.
      • getProbabilityGivenPredicted

        public Double getProbabilityGivenPredicted()
        Gets the probability for this cell, conditional on the predicted counts. For binary classifiers, the terms precision/positive predicted value, are sometimes used to refer to particular cells.