Class WindowOptions

  • public final class WindowOptions
    extends Object
    Options for creating windows over time series data.
    • Constructor Detail

      • WindowOptions

        public WindowOptions​(int history,
                             int future)
        Initializes a new instance of the WindowOptions class, with a shift of 1.
        history - The number of historic records to include in the time window.
        future - The number of future records to include in the time window.
      • WindowOptions

        public WindowOptions​(int history,
                             int future,
                             int shift)
        Initializes a new instance of the WindowOptions class.
        history - The number of historic records to include in the time window.
        future - The number of future records to include in the time window.
        shift - The number of records between successive windows.
      • WindowOptions

        public WindowOptions​(int[] times,
                             int shift)
        Initializes a new instance of the WindowOptions class.
        times - The times to include in the window. E.g. -5, -3, 0, 3, 10. Include zero if the current time should be included.
        shift - The number of records between successive windows.
    • Method Detail

      • getTimes

        public int[] getTimes()
        Gets the times to include in the window. E.g. -5, -3, 0, 3, 10. Include zero if the current time should be included.
      • setTimes

        public void setTimes​(int[] value)
        Sets the times to include in the window. E.g. -5, -3, 0, 3, 10. Include zero if the current time should be included.
      • getShift

        public int getShift()
        Gets the number of records between successive windows. Defaults to 1, meaning each window is shifted by 1 record.
      • setShift

        public void setShift​(int value)
        Sets the number of records between successive windows. Defaults to 1, meaning each window is shifted by 1 record.