Class DisjunctiveCauseInferenceFactory

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public final class DisjunctiveCauseInferenceFactory
    extends Object
    implements InferenceFactory
    Uses the factory design pattern to create inference related objects for the Disjunctive cause algorithm. See InferenceFactory for more details.
    • Constructor Detail

      • DisjunctiveCauseInferenceFactory

        public DisjunctiveCauseInferenceFactory​(QueryLifecycle queryLifecycle)
        Initializes a new instance of the DisjunctiveCauseInferenceFactory class, with an optional lifecycle instance.
        queryLifecycle - Lifecycle instance to hook up to query events. Can be null.
    • Method Detail

      • createInferenceEngine

        public Inference createInferenceEngine​(Network network)
        Creates an instance of an inference algorithm, with the [network] as it's target.
        Specified by:
        createInferenceEngine in interface InferenceFactory
        network - The target Bayesian network.
        The inference algorithm/engine.
      • getQueryLifecycle

        public QueryLifecycle getQueryLifecycle()
        Gets a query lifecycle instance. Can be null. This can be used to set the 'Causes of treatments or outcomes' dynamically for each query, e.g. when using the optimizer algorithm.
      • setQueryLifecycle

        public void setQueryLifecycle​(QueryLifecycle value)
        Sets a query lifecycle instance. Can be null. This can be used to set the 'Causes of treatments or outcomes' dynamically for each query, e.g. when using the optimizer algorithm.