Class TANStructuralLearningOptions

    • Constructor Detail

      • TANStructuralLearningOptions

        public TANStructuralLearningOptions()
    • Method Detail

      • getTarget

        public Node getTarget()
        Gets the target of the TAN tree.
      • setTarget

        public void setTarget​(Node value)
        Sets the target of the TAN tree.
      • getRoot

        public Node getRoot()
        Gets the root of the TAN tree. During construction links are directed away from this root. If no root is specified, a root is chosen arbitrarily.
      • setRoot

        public void setRoot​(Node value)
        Sets the root of the TAN tree. During construction links are directed away from this root. If no root is specified, a root is chosen arbitrarily.
      • getMaximumBatchSize

        public long getMaximumBatchSize()
        Gets the maximum number of tests that are buffered in memory for processing in a single iteration of the data. When large numbers of tests are required, instead of exhausting available memory, the tests are performed in batches. This value limits the number of tests that need to be stored in memory.
      • setMaximumBatchSize

        public void setMaximumBatchSize​(long value)
        Sets the maximum number of tests that are buffered in memory for processing in a single iteration of the data. When large numbers of tests are required, instead of exhausting available memory, the tests are performed in batches. This value limits the number of tests that need to be stored in memory.
      • getStopping

        public Stop getStopping()
        Gets the instance implementing Stop used for early stopping. Stopping is different to cancellation, as stopping will still complete the learning process, albeit having not run to completion.
        Specified by:
        getStopping in interface StructuralLearningOptions
        The instance used for stopping.
      • setStopping

        public void setStopping​(Stop value)
        Sets the instance implementing Stop used for early stopping. Stopping is different to cancellation, as stopping will still complete the learning process, albeit having not run to completion.
        Specified by:
        setStopping in interface StructuralLearningOptions
        value - The instance used for stopping.