Class DistributionSpecification

  • public final class DistributionSpecification
    extends Object
    Identifies a node's distribution to learn, and options for learning. Note that temporal nodes and noisy nodes can have multiple distributions, and each distribution is identified by temporal order.
    • Constructor Detail

      • DistributionSpecification

        public DistributionSpecification​(Node node)
        Initializes a new instance of the DistributionSpecification class.
        node - The node the distribution refers to.
      • DistributionSpecification

        public DistributionSpecification​(Node node,
                                         int order)
        Initializes a new instance of the DistributionSpecification class.
        node - The node the distribution refers to.
        order - The order of the distribution, for temporal nodes.
      • DistributionSpecification

        public DistributionSpecification​(Node node,
                                         NodeDistributionKey key)
        Initializes a new instance of the DistributionSpecification class.
        node - The node the distribution refers to.
        key - Properties that identify the distribution, such as the temporal order.
    • Method Detail

      • getDiscretePriorMethod

        public DiscretePriorMethod getDiscretePriorMethod()
        Gets the type of discrete prior to use for this distribution. When nullcom.bayesserver.learning.parameters.PriorOptions#getDiscretePriorMethod will be used to determine the type of prior.
      • setDiscretePriorMethod

        public void setDiscretePriorMethod​(DiscretePriorMethod value)
        Sets the type of discrete prior to use for this distribution. When nullcom.bayesserver.learning.parameters.PriorOptions#getDiscretePriorMethod will be used to determine the type of prior.
      • getNode

        public Node getNode()
        Gets the Node this distribution specification refers to.
      • getOrder

        public int getOrder()
        Gets the order of the distribution, for temporal nodes. For non temporal nodes this value will always be zero.
      • getRelatedNode

        public Node getRelatedNode()
        Gets the related node (if any) of the distribution. e.g. for noisy nodes.
      • getKey

        public NodeDistributionKey getKey()
        Gets the order/related node of the distribution. For non temporal nodes this value will always be zero.