Interface EmpiricalDensity

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface EmpiricalDensity
    Represents an empirical density function, which can represent arbitrary univariate distributions.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      double cdf​(double x)
      Calculates an approximate value for the cumulative distribution function (cdf).
      double inverseCdf​(double probability)
      Calculates an approximate value for the inverse cumulative distribution function.
    • Method Detail

      • cdf

        double cdf​(double x)
        Calculates an approximate value for the cumulative distribution function (cdf).
        x - The value at which to evaluate the cdf.
        The approximate cdf(x).
      • inverseCdf

        double inverseCdf​(double probability)
        Calculates an approximate value for the inverse cumulative distribution function.
        probability - The probability p at which to return x when p = Cdf(x) .
        The approximate inverse cdf.