Class DataTableEvidenceReaderCommandFactory

    • Constructor Detail

      • DataTableEvidenceReaderCommandFactory

        public DataTableEvidenceReaderCommandFactory​(DataTable data,
                                                     List<VariableReference> variables,
                                                     ReaderOptions readerOptions,
                                                     String partitionColumn)
        Initializes a new instance of the DataTableEvidenceReaderCommandFactory class.
        data - Non-temporal data.
        variables - Non-temporal variable references.
        readerOptions - Non-temporal options for reading the data.
        partitionColumn - A partition column for the non-temporal data.
      • DataTableEvidenceReaderCommandFactory

        public DataTableEvidenceReaderCommandFactory​(DataTable temporalData,
                                                     List<VariableReference> temporalVariables,
                                                     TemporalReaderOptions temporalReaderOptions,
                                                     String temporalPartitionColumn)
        Initializes a new instance of the DataTableEvidenceReaderCommandFactory class.
        temporalData - Temporal data.
        temporalVariables - Temporal variables
        temporalReaderOptions - Temporal options for reading the data
        temporalPartitionColumn - A partition column for the temporal data.
      • DataTableEvidenceReaderCommandFactory

        public DataTableEvidenceReaderCommandFactory​(DataTable data,
                                                     List<VariableReference> variables,
                                                     ReaderOptions readerOptions,
                                                     String partitionColumn,
                                                     DataTable temporalData,
                                                     List<VariableReference> temporalVariables,
                                                     TemporalReaderOptions temporalReaderOptions,
                                                     String temporalPartitionColumn)
        Initializes a new instance of the DataTableEvidenceReaderCommandFactory class.
        data - Non-temporal data.
        variables - Non-temporal variable references.
        readerOptions - Non-temporal options for reading the data.
        partitionColumn - A partition column for the non-temporal data.
        temporalData - Temporal data.
        temporalVariables - Temporal variables
        temporalReaderOptions - Temporal options for reading the data
        temporalPartitionColumn - A partition column for the temporal data.
    • Method Detail

      • create

        public EvidenceReaderCommand create​(Network network)
        Create an evidence reader command, based on a specific network which may be a copy of the original.
        Specified by:
        create in interface EvidenceReaderCommandFactory
        network - The network to base the reader on.
        A new evidence reader command.
      • createPartitioned

        public EvidenceReaderCommand createPartitioned​(Network network,
                                                       DataPartitioning dataPartitioning,
                                                       int partitionCount)
        Create an evidence reader command on a partition, based on a specific network which may be a copy of the original.
        Specified by:
        createPartitioned in interface EvidenceReaderCommandFactory
        network - The network to base the reader on.
        dataPartitioning - The partition number and method such as include/exclude.
        partitionCount - The total number of partitions.
        A new evidence reader command.