Class TemporalReaderOptions

    • Constructor Detail

      • TemporalReaderOptions

        public TemporalReaderOptions​(String caseIdColumn,
                                     String timeColumn,
                                     TimeValueType timeValueType)
        Initializes a new instance of the TemporalReaderOptions class.
        caseIdColumn - The name of the temporal case identifier column, if one is present.
        timeColumn - The name of the time column in the temporal data, if temporal data is present.
        timeValueType - The type of values contained in the time column.
    • Method Detail

      • getCaseIdColumn

        public String getCaseIdColumn()
        The name of the temporal case identifier column, if one is present.
      • getTimeColumn

        public String getTimeColumn()
        The name of the time column in the temporal data, if temporal data is present.
      • getTimeValueType

        public TimeValueType getTimeValueType()
        The type of values contained in the time column.