Class R2CrossValidationTestResult

    • Constructor Detail

      • R2CrossValidationTestResult

        public R2CrossValidationTestResult​(double weightedCaseCount,
                                           double rSquared,
                                           double meanActual,
                                           double varianceActual)
        Initializes a new instance of the R2CrossValidationTestResult class.
        weightedCaseCount - The number of cases (rows) in the partition.
        rSquared - the R Squared statistic (Coefficient of determination) on a partition of data.
        meanActual - The mean of the actual column values (as opposed to the predicted values).
        varianceActual - The variance of the actual column values (as opposed to the predicted values).
    • Method Detail

      • getValue

        public Object getValue()
        Gets the test result value for this test partitioning. This might be the log-likelihood, or the lift, etc...
        Specified by:
        getValue in interface CrossValidationTestResult
      • numericValue

        public Double numericValue()
        Returns the test result as a numeric value if supported, otherwise returns null.
        Specified by:
        numericValue in interface CrossValidationTestResult
        The numeric test result if supported.
      • getMeanActual

        public double getMeanActual()
        Gets the mean of the actual column values (as opposed to the predicted values).
      • getVarianceActual

        public double getVarianceActual()
        Gets the variance of the actual column values (as opposed to the predicted values).