Class PCStructuralLearning

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public final class PCStructuralLearning
    extends Object
    implements StructuralLearning
    A structural learning algorithm for Bayesian networks based on the PC algorithm. This algorithm uses independence and conditional independence tests to determine the structure (links) of the Bayesian network.
    • Constructor Detail

      • PCStructuralLearning

        public PCStructuralLearning()
    • Method Detail

      • learn

        public StructuralLearningOutput learn​(EvidenceReaderCommand evidenceReaderCommand,
                                              List<Node> nodes,
                                              StructuralLearningOptions options)
        Learn the structure (links) of a Bayesian network.
        Specified by:
        learn in interface StructuralLearning
        evidenceReaderCommand - Can create a reader which iterates round the data used to learn the network.
        nodes - The nodes to be considered for links.
        options - Options for the structural learning algorithm.
        The output generated by the structural learning algorithm.
      • learn

        public StructuralLearningOutput learn​(EvidenceReaderCommandFactory readerCommandFactory,
                                              List<Node> nodes,
                                              StructuralLearningOptions options)
        Learn the structure (links) of a Bayesian network.
        Specified by:
        learn in interface StructuralLearning
        readerCommandFactory - Creates new evidence reader commands, which may be partitioned for use in cross validation.
        nodes - The nodes to be considered for links.
        options - Options for the structural learning algorithm.
        The output generated by the structural learning algorithm.