Class FeatureSelectionTest

  • public final class FeatureSelectionTest
    extends Object
    Contains information about a test carried out between a variable and a target to determine whether the variable is likely to be a feature or not.
    • Method Detail

      • getVariable

        public Variable getVariable()
        Gets the variable which was tested to see if it is likely to be a feature of the getTarget() variable.
      • getTemporalOrder

        public Integer getTemporalOrder()
        Gets the temporal order (if any) used to test the variables.
      • getOneMinusPValue

        public Double getOneMinusPValue()
        Gets a value which equals one minus the p-value returned from the statical independence test. The higher this value, the more likely the variable is to be a feature.
      • getMutualInformation

        public Double getMutualInformation()
        Gets the mutual information between the target and the test in NATS. The higher this value, the more likely the variable is to be a feature.
      • isFeature

        public boolean isFeature​(double significanceLevel)
        Provides a hint as to whether the variable is likely to be a feature or not, at the given [significanceLevel].
        significanceLevel -
        true if the variable is likely to be a feature at the given [significanceLevel], or false otherwise.
      • getTarget

        public Variable getTarget()
        Gets the variable that was the target of the feature selection test.