Class SensitivityFunctionOneWay

  • public final class SensitivityFunctionOneWay
    extends Object
    Represents the result on a one-way sensitivity to parameters analysis. The sensitivity function = P(h|e)(t) where h is the hypothesis state, e is the evidence, and t is the parameter being analyzed.
    • Method Detail

      • evaluate

        public double evaluate​(double t)
        Evaluates the Sensitivity function P(h|e)(t) = (alpha * t + beta) / (gamma * t + delta)
        t - The parameter value at which to evaluate the function.
        The value of the sensitivity function P(h|e)(t).
      • evaluateDeriv

        public double evaluateDeriv​(double t)
        Evaluates the partial derivative of the Sensitivity function with respect to t = ((alpha*delta)-(beta*gamma))/((gamma*t + delta)^2)
        t - The parameter value at which to evaluate the derivative.
        The value of the derivative of the sensitivity function dP(h|e)/dt.
      • getParameterValue

        public double getParameterValue()
        Gets the original value of the parameter being analyzed.
      • getProbabilityHypothesisGivenEvidence

        public double getProbabilityHypothesisGivenEvidence()
        Gets P(h|e).
      • getSensitivityValue

        public double getSensitivityValue()
        Gets the sensitivity value which is the derivative of the sensitivity function evaluated at t.
      • getAlpha

        public double getAlpha()
        Gets Alpha from the sensitivity function.
      • getBeta

        public double getBeta()
        Gets Beta from the sensitivity function.
      • getGamma

        public double getGamma()
        Gets Gamma from the sensitivity function.
      • getDelta

        public double getDelta()
        Gets Delta from the sensitivity function.