Class SearchStructuralLearningOptions

    • Constructor Detail

      • SearchStructuralLearningOptions

        public SearchStructuralLearningOptions()
    • Method Detail

      • getPartitionCount

        public int getPartitionCount()
        Gets the number of partitions used by scoring functions that use cross validation.
      • setPartitionCount

        public void setPartitionCount​(int value)
        Sets the number of partitions used by scoring functions that use cross validation.
      • getMaximumIterations

        public Integer getMaximumIterations()
        Gets the optional maximum number of iterations (moves) made during the search procedure. By default, no maximum is set.
      • setMaximumIterations

        public void setMaximumIterations​(Integer value)
        Sets the optional maximum number of iterations (moves) made during the search procedure. By default, no maximum is set.
      • getToleranceOrDefault

        public double getToleranceOrDefault()
        If Tolerance is null, this returns the default tolerance for the given scoring method, otherwise Tolerance is returned.
      • getTolerance

        public Double getTolerance()
        Gets the tolerance used to determine whether or not a search move is a significant improvement. This is a non negative number which indicates that learning will only stop when the relative difference between scores between moves is no greater than this value.

        When null, a default value is used which depends on the Score Method in use.

        The tolerance.
      • setTolerance

        public void setTolerance​(Double value)
        Sets the tolerance used to determine whether or not a search move is a significant improvement. This is a non negative number which indicates that learning will only stop when the relative difference between scores between moves is no greater than this value.

        When null, a default value is used which depends on the Score Method in use.

        value - The tolerance.
      • getScoreMethod

        public ScoreMethod getScoreMethod()
        Gets the scoring method used to evaluate search moves.
      • setScoreMethod

        public void setScoreMethod​(ScoreMethod value)
        Sets the scoring method used to evaluate search moves.
      • getInferenceFactory

        public InferenceFactory getInferenceFactory()
        Gets the inference factory used during scoring.
      • setInferenceFactory

        public void setInferenceFactory​(InferenceFactory value)
        Sets the inference factory used during scoring.
      • getStopping

        public Stop getStopping()
        Gets the instance implementing Stop used for early stopping. Stopping is different to cancellation, as stopping will still complete the learning process, albeit having not run to completion.
        Specified by:
        getStopping in interface StructuralLearningOptions
        The instance used for stopping.
      • setStopping

        public void setStopping​(Stop value)
        Sets the instance implementing Stop used for early stopping. Stopping is different to cancellation, as stopping will still complete the learning process, albeit having not run to completion.
        Specified by:
        setStopping in interface StructuralLearningOptions
        value - The instance used for stopping.
      • getTestIndependence

        public boolean getTestIndependence()
        Gets a value which when true uses independence tests to reduce the search space.
      • setTestIndependence

        public void setTestIndependence​(boolean value)
        Sets a value which when true uses independence tests to reduce the search space.