Class DefaultEvidenceReaderCommand

    • Constructor Detail

      • DefaultEvidenceReaderCommand

        public DefaultEvidenceReaderCommand​(DataReaderCommand commandTemporal,
                                            List<VariableReference> variablesTemporal,
                                            TemporalReaderOptions temporalReaderOptions)
        Initializes a new instance of the DefaultEvidenceReaderCommand class. This override is used when there is temporal data, but no non temporal data.
        commandTemporal - The data reader command to read temporal data.
        variablesTemporal - The temporal variables.
        temporalReaderOptions - Options for reading temporal data.
      • DefaultEvidenceReaderCommand

        public DefaultEvidenceReaderCommand​(DataReaderCommand command,
                                            List<VariableReference> variables,
                                            ReaderOptions readerOptions,
                                            DataReaderCommand commandTemporal,
                                            List<VariableReference> variablesTemporal,
                                            TemporalReaderOptions temporalReaderOptions)
        Initializes a new instance of the DefaultEvidenceReaderCommand class, supporting both temporal and non temporal data.
        command - The data reader command to read non temporal data.
        variables - The non temporal variables.
        readerOptions - Options for reading non temporal data.
        commandTemporal - The data reader command to read temporal data.
        variablesTemporal - The temporal variables.
        temporalReaderOptions - Options for reading temporal data.
    • Method Detail

      • getOnExecuteReader

        public ExecuteEvidenceReader getOnExecuteReader()
        Gets a function that is called when a new reader is created.
      • setOnExecuteReader

        public void setOnExecuteReader​(ExecuteEvidenceReader value)
        Sets a function that is called when a new reader is created.