📄️ Evidence
Setting evidence on a Bayesian network.
📄️ Query explorer
Explore and manage queries in the Bayes Server user interface.
📄️ Soft evidence
Use soft or virtual evidence on a Bayesian network.
📄️ Log Likelihood
Calculate the log likelihood of a Bayesian network, useful for anomaly detection.
📄️ Retract evidence
Retract evidence to simplify Bayesian network predictions and partial log likelihoods.
📄️ Conflict
Detecting conflicting evidence in a Bayesian network
📄️ Most probable explanation (MPE)
Calculate the most probable explanation using a Bayesian network.
📄️ Custom query
Joint, marginal, conditional and time series queries using Bayesian networks.
📄️ Time series query
Time series predictions and anomaly detection with Bayesian networks.
📄️ Query distribution
View the results of probabilistic queries from a Bayesian network.
📄️ Batch query
Perform queries on a data source with a Bayesian network.
📄️ Mesh query
Plot a grid a Bayesian network queries.
📄️ Algorithms
Bayesian network inference algorithms.
📄️ Interventions
Setting intervention evidence on a Bayesian network.