📄️ Network viewer
View and edit a Bayesian network in Bayes Server.
📄️ Properties
Edit properties of the elements of a Bayesian network in Bayes Server.
📄️ New node
Create a new node in a Bayesian network.
📄️ Add nodes from data
Automatically add nodes to a Bayesian network from data.
📄️ New link
Create a new link in a Bayesian network.
📄️ Distribution editor
Edit the distributions of a Bayesian network.
📄️ New variable
Add a variable to a node in Bayes Server.
📄️ States editor
Edit the states of a variable in a Bayesian network.
📄️ State values
Discrete state values in Bayes Server.
📄️ Arc reversal
Reverse the direction of links in a Bayesian network.
📄️ Noisy nodes
Using noisy nodes to manage complexity in a Bayesian network.
📄️ Multi variable nodes
Using multi variables nodes in a Bayesian network.
📄️ Query order states
Order the states of a variable in a Bayesian network, based on a probability query.
📄️ Groups
Create and manage groups
📄️ Function nodes
Function nodes in a Bayesian network.
📄️ Expressions
Since version 9.0
📄️ Expression editor
Define the distribution of a Bayesian network with an expression.
📄️ Table Expressions
Since version 9.0
📄️ Parameter Count
Bayesian network parameter count