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Pandas DataFrame helper functions

# __author__ = 'Bayes Server'
# __version__= '0.3'
# __copyright__ = "Copyright 2021, Bayes Server"

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import jpype # pip install jpype1 (version 1.2.1 or later)
import jpype.imports
from jpype.types import *
from jpype import java

from import *

def _to_java_class(data_type):
Converts numpy data type to equivalent Java class
:param data_type: the numpy data type
:return: The Java Class
if data_type == np.int32:
return java.lang.Integer(0).getClass() # .class not currently supported by jpype
if data_type == np.int64:
return java.lang.Long(0).getClass() # .class not currently supported by jpype
if data_type == np.float32:
return java.lang.Float(0).getClass() # .class not currently supported by jpype
if data_type == np.float64:
return java.lang.Double(0.0).getClass() # .class not currently supported by jpype
if data_type == np.bool:
return java.lang.Boolean(False).getClass() # .class not currently supported by jpype
if data_type == np.object:
return java.lang.String().getClass() # .class not currently supported by jpype

raise ValueError('dtype [{}] not currently supported'.format(data_type))

def to_data_table(df):

data_table = DataTable()
cols = data_table.getColumns()

for name, data_type in df.dtypes.iteritems():
java_class = _to_java_class(data_type)
data_column = DataColumn(name, java_class)

for index, row in df.iterrows():

xs = [None if pd.isnull(x) else x for x in row]


return data_table