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Custom evidence reader (Json) C#

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// <copyright file="JsonReaderExample.cs" company="Bayes Server">
// Copyright (C) Bayes Server. All rights reserved.
// </copyright>
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namespace BayesServer.HelpSamples
using BayesServer.Data;
using BayesServer.Inference;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading;

/// <summary>
/// An example of creating a custom implementation of IEvidenceReaderCommand and IEvidenceReader for reading Json.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// This example makes use of the Json.Net package ( which can be installed via NuGet.
/// </remarks>
public static class JsonReaderExample
private const string HairLengthName = "Hair Length";
private const string HeightName = "Height";

static void Main(string[] args)
var network = new Network();

// TODO download the network from the Bayes Server User Interface (or Bayes Server Online)
// and adjust the following path


/// <summary>
/// A class to hold a few properties read from Json. See Json.Net package for more information.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// Json.NET also supports the dynamic keyword which can be used instead of defining classes like this.
/// </remarks>
private sealed class Person
public string HairLength
get; set;

public double Height
get; set;

/// <summary>
/// A simple helper class that caches references to variables of interest and sets evidence on them.
/// </summary>
private sealed class JsonEvidenceMapper
private Variable hairLength;
private Variable height;

public JsonEvidenceMapper(Network network)
if (network == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("network");

this.hairLength = network.Variables[HairLengthName, true];
this.height = network.Variables[HeightName, true];

public void SetEvidence(IEvidence evidence, Person person)
evidence.SetState(this.hairLength.States[person.HairLength, true]);
evidence.Set(this.height, person.Height);


/// <summary>
/// Example that converts Json data to Bayes Server Evidence.
/// </summary>
private static void JsonStringExample(Network network)
var jsonPerson1 = "{\"HairLength\": \"Medium\",\"Height\": 110}";
var jsonPerson2 = "{\"HairLength\": \"Long\",\"Height\": 88}";

var hairLength = network.Variables[HairLengthName, true];
var height = network.Variables[HeightName, true];

var evidenceMapper = new JsonEvidenceMapper(network);
var evidence = new Evidence(network); // NOTE that if you performing inference, the Inference Engine has a property called Evidence which can be used instead

var person1 = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Person>(jsonPerson1);
evidenceMapper.SetEvidence(evidence, person1);

// Test the evidence ...
PrintPersonEvidence(evidence, hairLength, height);

var person2 = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Person>(jsonPerson2);
evidenceMapper.SetEvidence(evidence, person2);

// Test the evidence ...
PrintPersonEvidence(evidence, hairLength, height);


/// <summary>
/// Custom implementation of IEvidenceReaderCommand that is a factory for creating IEvidenceReader instances.
/// </summary>
private class JsonEvidenceReaderCommand<T> : IEvidenceReaderCommand
private Action<IEvidence, T> setEvidence;
private Func<Stream> newStream;

public JsonEvidenceReaderCommand(Action<IEvidence, T> setEvidence, Func<Stream> newStream)
if (setEvidence == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("setEvidence");

if (newStream == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("newStream");

this.setEvidence = setEvidence;
this.newStream = newStream;

public IEvidenceReader ExecuteReader()
return new JsonEvidenceReader<T>(this.setEvidence, this.newStream());

/// <summary>
/// A custom implementation of IEvidenceReader.
/// </summary>
private class JsonEvidenceReader<T> : IEvidenceReader
private Stream stream;
private IEnumerator<T> enumerator;
private Action<IEvidence, T> setEvidence;

private const int DisposedTrue = -1;
private const int DisposedFalse = 0;
private int disposed = DisposedFalse;

public JsonEvidenceReader(Action<IEvidence, T> setEvidence, Stream stream)
if (stream == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("stream");

if (setEvidence == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("setEvidence"); = stream;
this.enumerator = EnumerateJson<T>(;
this.setEvidence = setEvidence;


public void Dispose()

private void Dispose(bool disposing)
if (Interlocked.Exchange(ref this.disposed, DisposedTrue) == DisposedFalse)
if( != null)
{; = null;


public bool Read(IEvidence evidence, IReadOptions readOptions)
if (this.disposed == DisposedTrue)
throw new ObjectDisposedException(this.GetType().Name);

var result = this.enumerator.MoveNext();

if (result)
this.setEvidence(evidence, this.enumerator.Current);

return result;

private static IEnumerable<TResult> EnumerateJson<TResult>(Stream stream)
var serializer = new JsonSerializer();

using (var reader = new StreamReader(stream))
using (var jsonReader = new JsonTextReader(reader))
jsonReader.SupportMultipleContent = true;

while (jsonReader.Read())
yield return serializer.Deserialize<TResult>(jsonReader);

/// <summary>
/// Returns a stream of Json data.
/// </summary>
private static Stream GetJsonStream()
// We are using an in memory stream built from a string here to keep the example simple,
// but this could be returned from an HttpClient or from an ElasticSearch client etc...

var jsonString = "{\"HairLength\":\"Long\",\"Height\":100.0}{\"HairLength\":\"Medium\",\"Height\":120.0}{\"HairLength\":\"Medium\",\"Height\":99.0}";

return new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(jsonString));


private static void JsonStreamExample(Network network)
var mapper = new JsonEvidenceMapper(network);

var evidenceReaderCommand = new JsonEvidenceReaderCommand<Person>(
(evidence, p) => mapper.SetEvidence(evidence, p),
() => GetJsonStream() // instead could use HttpClient or ElasticSearch client here for example

// the above evidenceReaderCommand can be passed to various Bayes Server API calls such as
// parameter learning

TestEvidenceReader(network, evidenceReaderCommand);


/// <summary>
/// Test our custom implementation if IEvidenceReaderCommand and IEvidenceReader are working.
/// </summary>
private static void TestEvidenceReader(Network network, IEvidenceReaderCommand evidenceReaderCommand)
var readOptions = new ReadOptions();

var hairLength = network.Variables[HairLengthName, true];
var height = network.Variables[HeightName, true];

var testEvidence = new Evidence(network);

using (var evidenceReader = evidenceReaderCommand.ExecuteReader())
while (evidenceReader.Read(testEvidence, readOptions))
PrintPersonEvidence(testEvidence, hairLength, height);

private static void PrintPersonEvidence(IEvidence evidence, Variable hairLength, Variable height)
Console.WriteLine("\t" + hairLength.States[evidence.GetState(hairLength).Value].Name);
Console.WriteLine("\t" + evidence.Get(height).Value);
