ConvergenceMethod |
The method used to determine whether learning has converged.
DecisionPostProcessingMethod |
The type of post processing to be applied to the distributions of decision nodes at the end of parameter learning.
DiscretePriorMethod |
The type of discrete prior to use for discrete distributions during parameter learning.
DistributedMapperContext |
Contains information used during distributed parameter learning.
DistributerContext |
Contains contextual information about the process/iteration being distributed.
DistributionMonitoring |
Indicates which distribution to monitor during learning.
DistributionSpecification |
Identifies a node's distribution to learn, and options for learning.
InitializationMethod |
Determines the algorithm used to initialize distributions during parameter learning.
InitializationOptions |
Options governing the initialization of distributions at the start of parameter learning.
OnlineLearningOptions |
Options for online learning (adaptation using Bayesian statistics).
ParameterLearningOptions |
Options governing parameter learning.
ParameterLearningOutput |
ParameterLearningProgress |
Interface to provide progress information during parameter learning.
ParameterLearningProgressInfo |
Priors |
Contains parameters used to avoid boundary conditions during learning.
TimeSeriesMode |
Determines how time series distributions are learned.