AssociationOptions |
Options that affect the link strength algorithm.
AssociationOutput |
Contains the results of an Association analysis.
AssociationPair |
Defines two sets of variables to be analyzed by the Association algorithm.
AssociationPairOutput |
Contains the results of the association calculations between two sets of variables.
AutoInsightJSDivergence |
Determines the type of Jensen Shannon divergence calculations, if any, performed during an auto insight analysis.
AutoInsightKLDivergence |
Determines the type of KL divergence calculations, if any, performed during an auto insight analysis.
AutoInsightOptions |
Options that affect auto-insight calculations.
AutoInsightOutput |
AutoInsightSamplingOptions |
Options that affect any sampling required during auto-insight calculations.
AutoInsightStateOutput |
Contains the results obtained from AutoInsight for each test variable.
AutoInsightStateOutputCollection |
AutoInsightVariableOutput |
Represents the output obtained from AutoInsight for a test variable.
AutoInsightVariableOutputCollection |
ClusterCountActions |
Actions which the caller must implement to use ClusterCount.
ClusterCountOptions |
ClusterCountOutput |
ClusterScore |
Contains the results of a cluster configuration returned from ClusterCount .
CombinationAction |
CombinationOptions |
Determines which combinations are generated by Combinations .
ConfusionMatrix |
Calculates a confusion matrix for a network which is used to predict discrete values (classification).
ConfusionMatrixCell |
ConstraintNotSatisfiedException |
Exception raised when parameter tuning attempts to solve for a constraint that cannot be satisfied by the change(s) in parameters.
ConstraintSatisfiedException |
Exception raised when parameter tuning attempts to solve for a constraint that is already true.
DSeparationCategory |
The result of a D-Separation test.
DSeparationOptions |
Options for calculating D-Separation.
DSeparationOutput |
Contains the results of a test for D-Separation.
DSeparationTestResult |
The result of a D-Separation check for a test node.
DSeparationTestResultCollection |
Collection of D-Separation test results.
EmpiricalDensity |
Represents an empirical density function, which can represent arbitrary univariate distributions.
HistogramDensity |
Represents an empirical density function built from a histogram, which can represent arbitrary univariate distributions.
HistogramDensityItem |
Information about each interval in the histogram density.
HistogramDensityOptions |
Options for learning a histogram based empirical density.
ImpactAction |
ImpactHypothesisOutput |
Output information about the hypothesis variable/state from an Impact analysis.
ImpactOptions |
Options affecting how Impact analysis calculations are performed.
ImpactOutput |
Contains the results of an Impact analysis.
ImpactOutputItem |
The output from an impact analysis, for a particular subset of evidence.
ImpactSubsetMethod |
Determines how subsets are determined during impact analysis.
InSampleAnomalyDetection |
Detects in-sample anomalies in a data set.
InSampleAnomalyDetectionActions |
Actions which the caller must implement to use InSampleAnomalyDetection.
InSampleAnomalyDetectionOptions |
InSampleAnomalyDetectionOutput |
LiftChart |
Represents a lift chart, used to measure predictive performance.
LiftChartPoint |
Represents an XY coordinate in a lift chart.
LogLikelihoodAnalysisAction |
LogLikelihoodAnalysisBaselineOutput |
Output information about the log-likelihood from a log-likelihood analysis.
LogLikelihoodAnalysisOptions |
Options affecting how Log-Likelihood analysis calculations are performed.
LogLikelihoodAnalysisOutput |
Contains the results of a Log-Likelihood analysis.
LogLikelihoodAnalysisOutputItem |
The output from a Log-Likelihood analysis, for a particular subset of evidence.
LogLikelihoodAnalysisSubsetMethod |
Determines how subsets are determined during a Log-Likelihood analysis.
ParameterReference |
References a parameter in a node distribution.
ParameterTuningOneWay |
Represents the result of one way parameter tuning.
RegressionStatistics |
Calculates statistics for a network which is used to predict continuous values (regression).
SensitivityFunctionOneWay |
Represents the result on a one-way sensitivity to parameters analysis.
SensitivityFunctionTwoWay |
Represents the result on a two-way sensitivity to parameters analysis.
ValueOfInformationKind |
The type of value of information statistic calculated.
ValueOfInformationOptions |
ValueOfInformationOutput |
ValueOfInformationTestOutput |