User Interface
User Interface

Build Bayesian networks from data or manually. Perform advanced queries and analytics.

Distribution editor
Distribution Editor

Distribution editor with support for ordering, grouping, expressions and more.

Expression editor
Expression Editor

Expressions can be used to specify discrete node distributions and function nodes.

Junction Tree viewer
Junction Tree viewer

Explore the internal calculations required for exact inference.


Compare different scenarios side by side in the viewer.

Compact view and groups
Compact view / groups

Visualize the structure of your data using compact view and groups.

Link strength visualization
Link strength

Visualize the strength of connections in your network.

Decision automation
Decision automation

Decision graphs (influence diagrams) enable the automation of decisions under uncertainty.

Time series prediction
Time series

Build multi-variate time series models with Dynamic Bayesian networks

Bayes Server API
Advanced APIs

Advanced .NET & JAVA APIs. Integrates with Python, R, Matlab, Apache Spark & Excel functions.

Structural learning
Structural learning

Automatically discover structure within your data.


Perform backwards reasoning to diagnose faulty equipment or diagnose diseases.

Anomaly detection
Anomaly detection

Detect unusual behavior using advanced multi-variate anomaly detection techniques.

Automated insight extraction
Automated insight

Automatically extract important information from data

Advanced prediction
Advanced prediction

Perform complex queries. E.g. P(X, Y[t=0], Y[t=3] | P(Z[t=2], A).

Batch query
Batch query

Query data in a spreadsheet or database, and evaluate model performance.

Query explorer
Query explorer

Easily navigate queries from large models and manage custom queries.


Determines whether one group of nodes A can influence another group B, conditional on the current evidence.

Data sampling
Data sampling

Generate sample data from a Bayesian network. Includes support for time series

Mesh query
Mesh query

Visualize queries across a number of dimensions.