AbductionOptions |
AdjustmentSet |
The set of nodes that an estimation procedure must adjust for (condition on) to avoid any bias in the results.
AdjustmentSetNode |
Represents a node in an adjustment set.
BackdoorCriterionOptions |
BackdoorCriterionOutput |
The output from the Backdoor criterion, including any 'adjustment sets' identified.
BackdoorGraphOptions |
Options for 'Backdoor graph' construction.
BackdoorMethod |
The sets for the Backdoor criterion to find.
CausalInferenceBase |
Base class for Causal inference engines used by internal algorithms.
CausalNode |
Represents a reference to any node in a Causal model, for example a treatment (X), an outcome (Y), an unobserved node (U).
CausalQueryOptionsBase |
Base class for causal query options.
CausalQueryOutput |
Additional outputs specific to causal queries.
CausalQueryOutputBase |
Base class for causal algorithm output.
DisjunctiveCauseSet |
Identifies sets of nodes used by the Disjunctive Cause Criterion algorithm.
DisjunctiveCauseSetNode |
Represents a node in a set used by the Disjunctive Cause Criterion algorithm.
EffectsAnalysisOptions |
Options for an effects analysis.
EffectsAnalysisOutput |
The results of an effects analysis.
EffectsAnalysisOutputItem |
The result of an effects analysis for a particular treatment value.
FrontDoorSet |
Front-door nodes used by the front-door adjustment.
FrontDoorSetNode |
Represents a front-door node used by the front-door adjustment, and can be identified by the front-door criterion.
Identification |
Determines how to quantify a cause-effect relationship (for a particular criterion), but does not perform the actual estimation.
IdentificationOptions |
IdentificationOutput |
IndirectGraphOptions |
Options for 'Indirect graph' construction.
NodeSet |
A set of nodes.
NodeSetItem |
Represents a node in a set.
Validation |
Methods to test whether adjustment inputs are valid.
ValidationOptions |